I'm having the same sort of middle schmertz as last month ovulation time, although this month's hasn't been so bad... yet...
It would seem to be the weekend and I would seem to be not doing much, except we went to the movies! Dark Knight, best movie I've seen in a long time, but that's not saying much since I don't think I've been to the movies since Star Wars pissed me off. I think I was pregnant with Ella.
Oh yeah, and I've been knitting like crazy on the blanket only to find out that I do indeed need to order more yarn, so now I've stopped on the blue and started on the green in hopes of getting to the part where I need the new ball before it actually gets here. It's a race! Ready set go!!
Yeah, so I was doing that and drinking water and trying to figure out why I have to have this cramping shit twice a month now instead of once.
Abbey & Ella are doing yoga with the Wai Lana lady. We went to kiddie land the other day and had much fun.
It's almost August and we still haven't been camping, which hopefully means that we'll be going to the festival in September...
Playing in the band
Got together last night with Cheryl the guitar player to work on some tunes. I'm always torn when it comes to how much I can let the kids participate during band practice. Cheryl was awesome at getting them to use their little percussion instruments on 2 and 4, but then Abbey decided she'd tickle the keys a little and that just won't do. Extra percussion is always welcome but atonal piano during A Train? sorry dabbers...
I have a new tarot book, 2 actually, because I've decided that it would be fun to refine my already hopping intuition. I'd like to learn to focus and understand more easily. Inwardly AND outwardly.
I have a new tarot book, 2 actually, because I've decided that it would be fun to refine my already hopping intuition. I'd like to learn to focus and understand more easily. Inwardly AND outwardly.
in the noggin today, but I think in a good way. I've been pondering the point of things lately, as in, is there one and since I've decided that there is, what is it? All of this brought about by reading too much yoga stuff I think, and perhaps by listening to too much Mingus. The stuff is dense!
I've decided to worry a lot less about why.
So the fun part of my Rubber Soul project has been the cutting and pasting of charts, I give Ella all of the Ringo parts and she makes things. It's also fun to be able to sight read this stuff so easily and I know I'm practicing the stuff I'm good at already but the other stuff is so hard. yah.
The girls are just getting so big and independent, although I just realized yesterday that the day will come soon where I don't pick Ella up like a toddler anymore. I remember my mom telling me that I was too big to be carried and I was sad. It was easier with Abbey because I was lugging Ella already and just couldn't.
I've decided to worry a lot less about why.
So the fun part of my Rubber Soul project has been the cutting and pasting of charts, I give Ella all of the Ringo parts and she makes things. It's also fun to be able to sight read this stuff so easily and I know I'm practicing the stuff I'm good at already but the other stuff is so hard. yah.
The girls are just getting so big and independent, although I just realized yesterday that the day will come soon where I don't pick Ella up like a toddler anymore. I remember my mom telling me that I was too big to be carried and I was sad. It was easier with Abbey because I was lugging Ella already and just couldn't.
Today's the day the girls get to go to the doctor. Poor Ella had to have a blood draw, but that was the extent of the traumatic events. Poor Dabber was nervous, but went first and didn't have any trouble. Ella was not so nervous but she will be next time. Next time will not be fun.
I feel yucky! We ate a bunch of crap this weekend and I feel hung over from it. Not to mention all of the beer. Ugh.
Gotta go do some yoga
I feel yucky! We ate a bunch of crap this weekend and I feel hung over from it. Not to mention all of the beer. Ugh.
Gotta go do some yoga
beer. We went to the local music fest last night in search of good music but all I found was beer. I think next year I'll have to try and be playing instead.
Dinner was delicious, we went to Mundial Cocina Mestiza where I shouldn't have ordered the chicken. It was just that I wanted the veggies that were on the side, and I didn't realize that since I don't really eat so much meat anymore that I also don't really like it very much. The veggies were worth it, though, and it's always fun to watch the hottie chef work. We didn't get to see the hottie lady chef, though, she was busy in back.
Dinner was delicious, we went to Mundial Cocina Mestiza where I shouldn't have ordered the chicken. It was just that I wanted the veggies that were on the side, and I didn't realize that since I don't really eat so much meat anymore that I also don't really like it very much. The veggies were worth it, though, and it's always fun to watch the hottie chef work. We didn't get to see the hottie lady chef, though, she was busy in back.
Finally this week has pretty much un-busied itself. I think today is the day that blanket baby is coming, so I really need to finish the blanket. I also want to make a CD of this bass book so I can practice it a little. But I'm waiting for the end of naptime because it might get noisy.
Something clicked in my head last night at my gig so that now things are better and I feel way more confident for the most part. It was rather shocking, the difference, but in a good way. yah
Something clicked in my head last night at my gig so that now things are better and I feel way more confident for the most part. It was rather shocking, the difference, but in a good way. yah
I did some sun salutations, and read some stuff, and fought like the dickens with this headache that's working on day 2 now. I've been winning, though, woohoo. The girls did much better at yoga today, after having a nap. Ella still insists that she doesn't like it. Pooper.
Oooh, and I also practiced this morning for a bit only to realize that I'm pretty much OK on this stuff I think. There are maybe 2 tunes I need to look over still. It will be exciting to hopefully play a gig where I don't suck!
That maybe is the hardest thing, the acceptance of the suck. But it is, so it must be, until it is not.
and with that, I am over and out
Oooh, and I also practiced this morning for a bit only to realize that I'm pretty much OK on this stuff I think. There are maybe 2 tunes I need to look over still. It will be exciting to hopefully play a gig where I don't suck!
That maybe is the hardest thing, the acceptance of the suck. But it is, so it must be, until it is not.
and with that, I am over and out
Oh yeah
I forgot! This was the month of the massively painful ovulation! Perhaps that is why I had a hurtier than usual beginning to this cycle...
I had a good practice, but then I had to hurry hurry hurry to get the girls to ballet on time, which now has me in headache mode because I got up too quick after a long shoulder stand.
I still need to practice the bass today, Sister Sadie needs some attention. I did get around to watching my Mingus documentary, boy does his kid look like him. Thought it interesting that he was floated away on the Ganges, and I have more to say but this headache is requiring a shower.
I had a good practice, but then I had to hurry hurry hurry to get the girls to ballet on time, which now has me in headache mode because I got up too quick after a long shoulder stand.
I still need to practice the bass today, Sister Sadie needs some attention. I did get around to watching my Mingus documentary, boy does his kid look like him. Thought it interesting that he was floated away on the Ganges, and I have more to say but this headache is requiring a shower.
Even though Ella's birthday was the 13th, I always feel like it's not her birthday until Tuesday. I don't think she could have been born on any other day. Yes I know it was technically wednesday... Remember? Walking around and around and around while the all-star game was going on. So today is the day I'm going to remember, and I was blessed this morning with another reminder, of the more cramping variety. Ugh. and Ouch.
This is the first month in a long time that I've had this sort of cramping, though, the past few cycles have been really light and not hurty.
Back to the leafy greens, that's what's been missing.
I'm so glad the road workers are so punctual to start right away at 7. Even though we go weeks without seeing them at all.
Today I must read all of the new books and go to the library in addition to theater camp and ballet. I don't like being this busy
So yoga camp was only OK. Because of our busy-ness there was no time for a nap between theater class and yoga. Abbey of course was fine because she's done it all before, but little Ella was so nervous that she just didn't have a good time. Plus most of the kids are quite a bit bigger, she just barely made the age cut-off. I hope this isn't one of those things that she remembers forever, the whole way home it was "I don't like yoga! I don't want to go to yoga! I like to stay with you!"
But Ella, if you stay with me, there will be yoga...
This is the first month in a long time that I've had this sort of cramping, though, the past few cycles have been really light and not hurty.
Back to the leafy greens, that's what's been missing.
I'm so glad the road workers are so punctual to start right away at 7. Even though we go weeks without seeing them at all.
Today I must read all of the new books and go to the library in addition to theater camp and ballet. I don't like being this busy
So yoga camp was only OK. Because of our busy-ness there was no time for a nap between theater class and yoga. Abbey of course was fine because she's done it all before, but little Ella was so nervous that she just didn't have a good time. Plus most of the kids are quite a bit bigger, she just barely made the age cut-off. I hope this isn't one of those things that she remembers forever, the whole way home it was "I don't like yoga! I don't want to go to yoga! I like to stay with you!"
But Ella, if you stay with me, there will be yoga...
Well, Ella is officially 3. I think she had a nice day, I didn't get the best pics but hopefully someone did. And the best part? I'm officially sane again! 3 years post partum makes such a difference.
Things I'm annoyed by: Why does the yoga studio I used to take classes at make me feel like they don't like me or something? They offered 2 sessions of a kids yoga camp, this week and next. This week we already have a thing, next week we don't so I signed the girls up for the second session. Only to receive a note almost instantly requesting that I come to the first session instead because no one had yet signed up for the second. Um. Ok. Then why is it offered? And I'm sorry but given my history with the place why not ask the 1 other first session person if they could just switch to the second and AGAIN why offer 2 sessions if your only really offering 1? So confused... And where's the 2 kid discount too, now that I'm worked up about it? Music class gives a 2 kid discount mutter mutter
Yet so excited for both girls to get to go to yoga, I got them mats and everything.
Um, yeah, more later
Things I'm annoyed by: Why does the yoga studio I used to take classes at make me feel like they don't like me or something? They offered 2 sessions of a kids yoga camp, this week and next. This week we already have a thing, next week we don't so I signed the girls up for the second session. Only to receive a note almost instantly requesting that I come to the first session instead because no one had yet signed up for the second. Um. Ok. Then why is it offered? And I'm sorry but given my history with the place why not ask the 1 other first session person if they could just switch to the second and AGAIN why offer 2 sessions if your only really offering 1? So confused... And where's the 2 kid discount too, now that I'm worked up about it? Music class gives a 2 kid discount mutter mutter
Yet so excited for both girls to get to go to yoga, I got them mats and everything.
Um, yeah, more later
so, who knew the cheapo wine was poison? Ugh, I only had 2 glasses I think? Maybe a tad more? Certainly not enough to still be feeling this out of sorts almost 24 hours later.
Still, I'd like to thank the academy, and also my children for sitting so quietly and watching 2 whole shows while I snoozed on the couch. Because then I was able to get up and do a bit of practicing.
The coolest thing to happen to me today, though, was that I was somehow inclined to try Urdhva Dhanurasana out of the blue, why? I don't know. Anyway, I didn't fight it and up I floated! It was so easy that I freaked out and came down and then I was scared to go back up. But very cool none the less. I used to do lots of backbends as a kid but this is the first time in a long time that I feel like I could do one every day again.
the blanket is coming along, I don't think I'm going to try stripes, this time. I'll save that for the next one... (wink wink nudge nudge)
Oh, and in the better left unsaid category, a big old fuck you to my husband and his people for always offering to babysit during nap time. This is not when I need a sitter. For the past 5 years I have been frustrated almost weekly by this phenomenon and today is no different.
Still, I'd like to thank the academy, and also my children for sitting so quietly and watching 2 whole shows while I snoozed on the couch. Because then I was able to get up and do a bit of practicing.
The coolest thing to happen to me today, though, was that I was somehow inclined to try Urdhva Dhanurasana out of the blue, why? I don't know. Anyway, I didn't fight it and up I floated! It was so easy that I freaked out and came down and then I was scared to go back up. But very cool none the less. I used to do lots of backbends as a kid but this is the first time in a long time that I feel like I could do one every day again.
the blanket is coming along, I don't think I'm going to try stripes, this time. I'll save that for the next one... (wink wink nudge nudge)
Oh, and in the better left unsaid category, a big old fuck you to my husband and his people for always offering to babysit during nap time. This is not when I need a sitter. For the past 5 years I have been frustrated almost weekly by this phenomenon and today is no different.
The yarn finally came for the 2 baby blankets that I'm supposed to make, have been waiting for a long time (cue Boston) (just cuz I was listening to great woods 99)
Also practiced today on bass and yoga woohoo for me. It's absolutely amazing how fast progress can be made when one does something every day.
Things I didn't think about during savasana:
- how much I love that little triangle solo during YEM
- I need a bass teacher who won't charge me 50 bucks an hour
- I should go get a jobby job at the music store
- I hate air conditioning
Also practiced today on bass and yoga woohoo for me. It's absolutely amazing how fast progress can be made when one does something every day.
Things I didn't think about during savasana:
- how much I love that little triangle solo during YEM
- I need a bass teacher who won't charge me 50 bucks an hour
- I should go get a jobby job at the music store
- I hate air conditioning
I just realized that I haven't sprouted anything in a long time. I think it's because it's hard for me to eat them all by myself before they get nasty. I should at least get some amber waves and bake some more bread.
I have been practicing yoga every day for this entire moon cycle so far, although there have been a few days where my practice is more reading and watching videos and meditating rather than the actual sweating part. But I had to make an allowance for my current life-style with the small non butt wiping child. I simply can't always carve out a half hour or so without interruption. I've also been trying to practice pratyahara and plow on through even with the interruptions.
I finished the Jaywalker socks, then they damn near killed me because I'm not used to how slippery my back steps are with socks on. They don't exactly fit right, but I'm not inclined to rip them out, I think I'll give them away.
I have been practicing yoga every day for this entire moon cycle so far, although there have been a few days where my practice is more reading and watching videos and meditating rather than the actual sweating part. But I had to make an allowance for my current life-style with the small non butt wiping child. I simply can't always carve out a half hour or so without interruption. I've also been trying to practice pratyahara and plow on through even with the interruptions.
I finished the Jaywalker socks, then they damn near killed me because I'm not used to how slippery my back steps are with socks on. They don't exactly fit right, but I'm not inclined to rip them out, I think I'll give them away.
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