
4 of Wands reversed, Knight of Swords reversed, 5 of Pentacles

Picking up here where I left off, sort of.  Or at least picking up where I am.  Lots of topsy turvy and end over end sorts of feelings resulting in some stasis of action.  Sort of stuck in want of inspiration in regards to a direction...

I suppose I shall beware of family that makes one feel left out and un-necessary.  Or perhaps the negative feelings arise from attempting to incorporate things that should just be left alone and by themselves, namely ME.  


The Devil, 2 of Cups reversed, 10 of Wands

With the 2 of pentacles popping out almost immediately during the shuffle.  Woke up this mornin' with those walking blues, but I wasn't walking nowhere because I didn't have no legs!  Mama's alright now, cause I got a degree!

What's with all of this mumbo jumbo anyway?  The cards would say that I am being torn in half by my gemini nature.  They would remind me that it's important to remember that whatever I think is the most important thing in the world, and start doing with all of my everything will very soon become the exact opposite.  The juggler can't hold his balls!  Gotta keep flinging them up and around, ya know.

Since that moment this morning, so early as to still feel like last night, really, I have attacked all of those things that I have thought needed doing but for whatever reason have not been done.  Namely, trying to get the scouts to yoga, trying to get the girls to yoga, trying to live up to the scout leader Thelma would expect me to be (happy birthday Grandma!), easy stuff.  yeah.

I am listening to these Phish shows from UIC.  The ones that happened while the family was adventuring out west.  During the opening few tunes all I could think about was our time at Bell Rock with Ella, screaming that this was JUST NOT INTERESTING!  But my next thought is of course, that while those particular moments could be gladly interchanged there is a whole lot of other moments that could not.


5 of Pentacles reversed, Queen of Cups, 4 of Wands reversed

Adventure bound and just a tad wound up about it.  Also wishing the weather would clear up and maybe turn hot before the actual first day of summer.  Wishful thinking, I know.

Reading and knitting and 15 sun salutations is what is on the agenda today.  Oh yes, and running the show for tomorrow.

kin 173: Red Self-Existing Skywalker 
I Define in order to Explore 
Measuring Wakefullness 
I seal the Output of Space 
With the Self-Existing tone of Form 
I am guided by the power of Universal Water 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


6 of Pentacles reversed, 6 of Wands reversed, 5 of Pentacles

Fear.  The cause and effect of all problems.  At least, mine anyway.  The trick is figuring out what it is afraid of, as it generally is something quite silly.

kin 169: Red Cosmic Moon 
I Endure in order to Purify 
Transcending Flow 
I seal the Process of Universal Water 
With the Cosmic tone of Presence 
I am guided by the power of Space 


5 of Swords reversed, King of Wands reversed, 4 of Swords

Balance is difficult, especially balancing a triangle, especially when lack of balance causes crashing.  And crankiness.  Perhaps today is the day when we start our home school funk studies.  If that doesn't shake out the crankies I don't know what will.

kin 166: White Planetary World-Bridger 
I Perfect in order to Equalize 
Producing Opportunity 
I seal the Store of Death 
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation 
I am guided by the power of Timelessness 


5 of Swords reversed, The Chariot, 4 of Wands

This spring has had no shortage of garter snakes, which is not odd.  The odd part comes in when I can sense a snake in the vicinity before I see it with my eyes, can someone please explain how that works to me?

Our summer vacation has gotten off to a flying start.  Both girls have gotten started on their work without any sort of difficulties and I have too.  We will do our best to get some good work done each morning so that we can play for the rest of the day.

kin 165: Red Solar Serpent 
I Pulse in order to Survive 
Realizing Instinct 
I seal the Store of Life Force 
With the Solar tone of Intention 
I am guided by the power of Birth 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


Wheel, Ace of Pentacles, Justice reversed

Last Day of School!  I am more excited that the girls, they are scared of change.  Ella especially is very comfortable in Kindergarten and would really rather not have to go to first grade next year.  I am looking forward to a summer of reading and softball, maybe some biking and some swimming and more reading.  Maybe a little pinano...

kin 164: Yellow Galactic Seed 
I Harmonize in order to Target 
Modeling Awareness 
I seal the Input of Flowering 
With the Galactic tone of Integrity 
I am guided by the power of Elegance 


5 of Pentacles reversed, 3 of Pentacles reversed, Judgement reversed

The load, she is heavy today.  Choices, difficult choices have loomed up out of nowhere to cause questions where none were even possible before.  And it all ties in to the book, as if the manifestation energy is so ripe that I just have to think at something and there it is.  Time to evaluate and re-evaluate, figure out the motivators as they relate to the goal, figure out the goal, lots to figure.

kin 161: Red Overtone Dragon 
I Empower in order to Nurture 
Commanding Being 
I seal the Input of Birth 
With the Overtone tone of Radiance 
I am guided by the power of Universal Water 


6 of Cups, Temperance reversed, Strength

Dear Future - Today is the day where you will start.  Of course that could be said about every day, but today just feels different for some reason.  There are many energies converging to make it so.  And now, sitting here and typing this I feel like I am wasting time by sitting here typing about doing things rather than actually doing them.

kin 159: Blue Electric Storm 
I Activate in order to Catalyse 
Bonding Energy 
I seal the Matrix of Self-generation 
With the Electric tone of Service 
I am guided by the power of Abundance 


4 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles

I am looking ahead at some pretty major life adjusting free time, still waiting on the post to bring my yarn and eyeball deep in 2 books, now.  Summer vacation cannot come soon enough.

kin 154: White Spectral Wizard 
I Dissolve in order to Enchant 
Releasing Receptivity 
I seal the Output of Timelessness 
With the Spectral tone of Liberation 
I am guided by my own power doubled 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


Knight of Wands reversed, 4 of Swords reversed, 5 of Swords

Anxiously awaiting the post with my yarn in it!  There are several package filled posts in my future but the yarn one is the one I'd really like to see today.

I had a very sad little monkey come home from the Kindergarten picnic yesterday.  My heart breaks for her, there was some sort of misunderstanding or miscalculation and she did not get to have her face painted.  It has been that sort of time for her, extreme disappointment is so heavy.  These things teach us compassion, though, and as such are so very important.

kin 153: Red Planetary Skywalker 
I Perfect in order to Explore 
Producing Wakefullness 
I seal the Output of Space 
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation 
I am guided by the power of Birth 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


The Devil, 4 of Wands reversed, 9 of Pentacles reversed

Childhood guilts and resistance to family, that's me in a nutshell.  The point of this exercise is not to have it done, but to DO it.  Going through the motions is no better than doing nothing at all, and might actually be more detrimental in that ones head is buried even more deeply when one thinks one knows what is going on rather than when one realizes that nothing is truly known. ever.

kin 152: Yellow Solar Human 
I Pulse in order to Influence 
Realizing Wisdom 
I seal the Process of Free Will 
With the Solar tone of Intention 
I am guided by the power of Elegance 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


Queen of Swords, King of Cups, Strength reversed

A bit of a break from the daily card ritual, a bit of a reset of a lot of things generally.  Sometimes the existence welcomes little to no examination.  Sometimes you go to the flower store and buy a poppy for the porch.

kin 150: White Resonant Dog 
I Channel in order to Love 
Inspiring Loyalty 
I seal the Process of Heart 
With the Resonant tone of Attunement 
I am guided by the power of Spirit 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


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Birthday Cupcakes!

kin 149: Red Rhythmic Moon 
I Organize in order to Purify 
Balancing Flow 
I seal the Process of Universal Water 
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality 
I am guided by my own power doubled 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


Birthday Baking

This week's Deadpod - the background for the cake baking extravaganza.

Pictures coming soon

Happy birthday to my girl Dabbers and ME!

kin 148: Yellow Overtone Star 
I Empower in order to Beautify 
Commanding Art 
I seal the Store of Elegance 
With the Overtone tone of Radiance 
I am guided by the power of Intelligence 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


Crazy Fingers

From the Annotated site.  And the changes.  Such a nice little tune, more meat on it's bones than most jam oriented compositions.  Perhaps I should work it out as a duet with myself?

I just used Shazam to discover Crazy Fingers by Grateful Dead. http://shz.am/t47277934


Queen of Wands reversed, 5 of Wands reversed, Temperance reversed

kin 80: Yellow Lunar Sun 
I Polarize in order to Enlighten 
Stabilizing Life 
I seal the Matrix of Universal Fire 
With the Lunar tone of Challenge 
I am guided by the power of Free Will 


8 of Swords, Death, The High Priestess

I may have forgotten something important, what could it be?  How to remember, how to figure it out?  I am not locked in to anything, I am free to walk away or toward.  The changes are certain, either way.

kin 76: Yellow Spectral Warrior 
I Dissolve in order to Question 
Releasing Fearlessness 
I seal the Output of Intelligence 
With the Spectral tone of Liberation 
I am guided by my own power doubled 


9 of Cups, 9 of Wands, Knight of Wands reversed

Number 9

Number 9

I thought today was the 8th?

kin 74: White Solar Wizard 
I Pulse in order to Enchant 
Realizing Receptivity 
I seal the Output of Timelessness 
With the Solar tone of Intention 
I am guided by the power of Heart 


4 of Pentacles reversed, Justice reversed, Ace of Cups

My cup runneth over, it surely do.  I give up on keeping anything for myself or trying to make it fair, there is just way too much to even bother.  The power of Navigation would be useful, where does one acquire one of those?

kin 73: Red Galactic Skywalker 
I Harmonize in order to Explore 
Modeling Wakefullness 
I seal the Output of Space 
With the Galactic tone of Integrity 
I am guided by the power of Navigation 


Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords, Knight of Wands

The story today is about perceptions.  The story today is also about planning.  My feet are itching to get on the road.  It's adventure time!  But back to the perceptions, I was interested to learn that they are scary and nervous making.  I ran right into the wall of nerves and then turned to run before I even realized what was going on.  Then once I examined the wall I learned that I'm just a big goofer.

kin 70: White Overtone Dog 
I Empower in order to Love 
Commanding Loyalty 
I seal the Process of Heart 
With the Overtone tone of Radiance 
I am guided by the power of Endlessness


9 of Pentacles reversed, 3 of Pentacles, The Sun

The story today is about working together, about pulling the rope in order that other's will see and be inspired to also pull.

kin 69: Red Self-Existing Moon 
I Define in order to Purify 
Measuring Flow 
I seal the Process of Universal Water 
With the Self-Existing tone of Form 
I am guided by the power of Life Force 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


The World, Strength reversed, 9 of Pentacles

The vortex, of which I am the apex is visibly swirling these past several hours.  When change is so palpable it feels good to be the only stillness.  We are silly humans, who think that we can actually claim responsibility for things, as if they weren't set in motion by many other swirls combined.  Providing Service through Art since 1972.

kin 68: Yellow Electric Star 
I Activate in order to Beautify 
Bonding Art 
I seal the Store of Elegance 
With the Electric tone of Service 
I am guided by the power of Free Will 


8 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups, Page of Swords reversed

Hellooooo March.  I am starting to get really itchy for some signs of spring.  Oh, I have one, this morning Abbey brought her jump rope to the bus stop.  It was a little chilly but much warmer if you are jumping.  Ella and I get to go observe the Junior Great Books meeting in order to take it over on Thursday.  Ella is beside herself with getting to bring a lunch in her lunch box.  All of this is to say that I hope to be building nice memories.

kin 67: Blue Lunar Hand 
I Polarize in order to Know 
Stabilizing Healing 
I seal the Store of Accomplishment 
With the Lunar tone of Challenge 
I am guided by the power of Self-generation 


Queen of Swords, Death, The Star

I can sort of feel how to do it, to slow everything down in order to make space.  It seems like the right action can be known in advance as long as the intention is solid.  So many of the current lessons are about right action even when no one is looking.

kin 63: Blue Spectral Night 
I Dissolve in order to Dream 
Releasing Intuition 
I seal the Input of Abundance 
With the Spectral tone of Liberation 
I am guided by my own power doubled 


King of Cups, The Devil, The Lovers, Knight of Pentacles

The story today is communication, and how important it is to pay attention to doing it properly.  Some folks do best when you just sing it to them.

kin 62: White Planetary Wind 
I Perfect in order to Communicate 
Producing Breath 
I seal the Input of Spirit 
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation 
I am guided by the power of Heart


Queen of Wands reversed, 10 of Pentacles reversed, 5 of Swords

Still with the warnings against new endeavors!  Fine, I've got nothing new going on anyway.  I just won't bother feeling bad about it, not that I was inclined to anyway.

Sometimes we pick our friends because their perception of us is who we want to be, even if we aren't exactly there yet.

kin 56: Yellow Self-Existing Warrior 
I Define in order to Question 
Measuring Fearlessness 
I seal the Output of Intelligence 
With the Self-Existing tone of Form 
I am guided by the power of Free Will 


Ace of Wands reversed, 7 of Cups, Knight of Pentacles reversed

Every day I start with a full deck and every day I shuffle the deck and pull 3 cards.  The patterns the develop over time, with certain cards repeating a lot while other cards remain in the deck.

The story today is to keep plugging away, it isn't time yet for the finished product to be ready.  It's all good work, as long as it's done and not merely thought about.

kin 55: Blue Electric Eagle 
I Activate in order to Create 
Bonding Mind 
I seal the Output of Vision 
With the Electric tone of Service 
I am guided by the power of Self-generation 
I am a polar kin    I establish the Blue galactic spectrum.


The Chariot reversed, Page of Cups, Queen of Swords

I'll bet that Queen doesn't laugh enough.  Keeping a fine balance of silly is important!  I had some synchronous moments yesterday and today with regard to Abbey's relative size.  As I was picking her up from Scouts last evening I noticed just how much smaller she is than the other kids.  Then this morning as she was eating breakfast she was telling me a tale of bullying on the bus.  The "big kids" would not allow her to sit at the back of the bus because she was too small, but they would let a tall kindergartner sit in the back.  So we talked about what makes kids act mean sometimes and about how we have choices every day with how we respond to other people and how we treat other people.

kin 54: White Lunar Wizard 
I Polarize in order to Enchant 
Stabilizing Receptivity 
I seal the Output of Timelessness 
With the Lunar tone of Challenge 
I am guided by the power of Death 


7 of Cups reversed, The Hermit reversed, Queen of Swords

The story here seems to be too much day dreaming alone time, and the time being ripe to cut through it all.  It is certainly a different sort of feeling in the world.  Priorities are shifting, why is change always so shocking when it is so inevitable?  We are funny creatures.

kin 53: Red Magnetic Skywalker 
I Unify in order to Explore 
Attracting Wakefullness 
I seal the Output of Space 
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose 
I am guided by my own power doubled 


kin 52: Yellow Cosmic Human 
I Endure in order to Influence 
Transcending Wisdom 
I seal the Process of Free Will 
With the Cosmic tone of Presence 
I am guided by the power of Intelligence 


Page of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, 2 of Pentacles reversed

The juggler is the lesson learned in the battle against entropy.  Which we are all destined to lose as individuals.

kin 49: Red Planetary Moon 
I Perfect in order to Purify 
Producing Flow 
I seal the Process of Universal Water 
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation 
I am guided by the power of Navigation 


kin 48: Yellow Solar Star 
I Pulse in order to Beautify 
Realizing Art 
I seal the Store of Elegance 
With the Solar tone of Intention 
I am guided by the power of Flowering