
The Chariot reversed, Page of Cups, Queen of Swords

I'll bet that Queen doesn't laugh enough.  Keeping a fine balance of silly is important!  I had some synchronous moments yesterday and today with regard to Abbey's relative size.  As I was picking her up from Scouts last evening I noticed just how much smaller she is than the other kids.  Then this morning as she was eating breakfast she was telling me a tale of bullying on the bus.  The "big kids" would not allow her to sit at the back of the bus because she was too small, but they would let a tall kindergartner sit in the back.  So we talked about what makes kids act mean sometimes and about how we have choices every day with how we respond to other people and how we treat other people.

kin 54: White Lunar Wizard 
I Polarize in order to Enchant 
Stabilizing Receptivity 
I seal the Output of Timelessness 
With the Lunar tone of Challenge 
I am guided by the power of Death 

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