
Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Wands and the Queen of Pentacles.  Things are looking good for my adventure, the cards seem to think I am about to win the lottery or something.  I just hope to not be smashed on the highway.

Relax and unwind
This is a day of pleasant thoughts and communication, of easy intellectual exchanges with other people, general light-heartedness and good times. This is a good day to tell someone that you love him. It is also a good day to discuss any aspect of a relationship. If something has been bothering you today, you can discuss it and clear the air in such a way that there will be no negative feelings. Today it will be easy to let the other person know that you are fond of him and that you are only trying to make the relationship better. Go out for a drive today, or better begin a long vacation. A trip started under this influence will give you great pleasure, stimulate your mind and expand your consciousness. You may meet new friends who will stay with you for a long time.
The partner references are set for a relationship with a man.  Explanation
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Venus Trine Mercury, , exact at 06:41 
activity period from 28 July 2010 to 30 July 2010

kin 112: Yellow Galactic Human
I Harmonize in order to Influence
Modeling Wisdom
I seal the Process of Free Will
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Intelligence
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.



Aha!  I love those moments where things make a touch of sense.  I've been really especially anxious about my weekend adventure to the east coast to play music with a bunch of folks I don't know very well if at all, and I didn't do a good job of phrasing my question, so the cards showed me the root of my anxieties - the chariot reversed, the 7 of pentacles reversed and the 5 of swords reversed, but then I rephrased my question about my intentions for the weekend and pulled the 3 of wands.  The Chariot reversed is my fear of car crashes, the 7 pents reversed is my fear of wasting precious resources and the 5 swords reversed is my fear of damaging relationships.  Of course, when you put it that way I can see why I'm just a little on edge about the whole thing.  But then the 3 of wands comes along with it's attitude of patient waiting.  The voyage is launched and the ships will indeed return, or maybe they won't but you can't worry about those things right now.

The Horoscopes are especially auspicious for the next few days and weeks travels...

A good time for a good time
Valid during several weeks: This influence marks a period of several days in which it affects your whole manner of expressing yourself to others. You have a great desire to relate to others, and you are willing to make whatever personal compromises are necessary. During this time you feel rather unaggressive. In fact, you may not even defend your own personal rights. Instead you may try to work out a compromise or evade any contests. During this time you may be able to make peace among others. Since you do not feel like fighting, you are willing to act as a go-between to help others smooth over their differences. This is a good time to have a good time with friends, take a vacation or do whatever you enjoy. If you can get away to have fun at this time, you ought to do so.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Venus in the 1st House,  1, from 09:44  
activity period from 28 July 2010 to 22 August 2010

Pleasant first impressions *
This is one of the most favorable influences for personal relationships. You can readily express your love and affection, and others are likely to show their affection for you. Seek the company of others, because you are in a sociable frame of mind today. Today is also a good time to resolve any problems in your personal relationships. You will be able to discuss any tensions that exist without difficulty, assuring your loved one that your love is sincere. This is also a day when you may meet a new lover or friend. It is a good time for any necessary new encounters because the environment favors pleasant first impressions.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Venus Conjunction Ascendant, , exact at 09:44 
activity period from 27 July 2010 to 29 July 2010

Creative power ***
This influence is a strong stimulus to any kind of ambition, but the danger is that its energy can be rather violent and disruptive. It represents a ruthless burst of ego energy that does not take kindly to limitation. Positively speaking, this is an excellent time for doing any kind of heavy work, particularly if it involves making major changes of any kind whatever. Even if you think you are totally uninterested in power, you will get a great deal of satisfaction out of having and using power. There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to use this power creatively. Just don't try to kid yourself that you aren't thinking of your own interests now. You are, and there is nothing wrong in that unless your interests conflict with everyone else's.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Conjunction Pluto, , exact at 18:09 
activity period from 27 July 2010 to 30 July 2010

kin 111: Blue Resonant Monkey
I Channel in order to Play
Inspiring Illusion
I seal the Process of Magic
With the Resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Abundance
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


PBR is not just a beer anymore

King of Pentacles reversed, the Wheel reversed and the 3 of cups.  Again with the 3 of cups.  All of our energy and resources are currently as of today being directed towards making the push button recording thing happen over here.  I am holding myself back by not being able to provide current and up to date playing samples.  It has been a goal for quite some time to have the ability to record whatever is going on in this room and it is time for it to happen.  I dreamed last night that we were driving to the gig but for whatever reason I had assumed that John had put the amp in but as we were pulling into traffic I asked him and he hadn't.  Then I woke up feeling relieved that we weren't so very far from home and we could go back and get it.  So likewise, I will just feel so relieved to have this project done and submitted, but until it is I can't stop it from festering.  I'd rather not be uber dependent on him for things either but on the other hand it is really nice to be able to focus and concentrate on just the one thing, and my goal is for him to show me how to do it, not to do it for me forever. 

kin 110: White Rhythmic Dog
I Organize in order to Love
Balancing Loyalty
I seal the Process of Heart
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


Circles are Neat

Strength, the Knight of Pentacles reversed and the 2 of wands.  Happy New Year!  It is feeling like a new beginning this morning.  Of just WHAT I am not quite sure.  I'm starting to feel that low level nervous that comes with impending new acquaintances.  Strength in the knight of pents reversed is like a complete shift, which has what this summer has felt like.  It's like the school year requires a certain attitude in order to help the girls to be their best there and that backlash this summer has been the knight reversed.  so the 2 of wands is my choice?  I have the world on a string and I am not sure what to do with it.  I'm still really hung up on just trying to take the right action every day and I have big plans for how I shall spend my me time, but that is still a month away.  I guess I am not really minding my funk u studies, although they have veered towards the stressful with this recording requirement.  It is a necessary part of my world that I am not capable of handling and it is one of the things holding me back from showcasing myself for hire.  I guess I'm just so very uncomfortable with that aspect, but there is also an element of self sabotage there, if I were to be truly honest. 

kin 109: Red Overtone Moon
I Empower in order to Purify
Commanding Flow
I seal the Process of Universal Water
With the Overtone tone of Radiance
I am guided by the power of Navigation
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


the Hermit, the 3 of cups and the Knight of Swords.  This past 24 hours has been probably the most trying that this family has encountered in awhile.  I don't know what it is but I have this wacky pain in my left lung, it feels like there is something in there and it hurts to move it or to lie on that side.  I have been trying to hydrate and rest but we also flooded twice yesterday.  Once from the rain and then again when the creek left it's banks.  As of now all of the water is gone from the basement and in front of the house but I am still feeling all washed up.  This Hermit feeling started yesterday, but where does the mama go when she needs to be alone?

kin 108: Yellow Self-Existing Star
I Define in order to Beautify
Measuring Art
I seal the Store of Elegance
With the Self-Existing tone of Form
I am guided by the power of Flowering
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


2 of wands reversed, 6 of pentacles and 10 of wands reversed.

Flooded again.  We are most definitely making the most of this opportunity to rid ourselves of anything extra.  Hoppy Bunny was downstairs in the flood plain last evening and very fortunately for Dabbers she came to fetch the bunny before the floods came in again.  My yarn for the current project is wet but I think it will dry out.  All of those sports cards are now toast, I wanted to throw them out last time.  I stepped into the water before I realized it was there and wasn't electrocuted, what a way to go that would be.

kin 107: Blue Electric Hand
I Activate in order to Know
Bonding Healing
I seal the Store of Accomplishment
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Magic
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


Valid during many months: During this time you may have fewer resources available for doing what you want, and you may have to focus the available resources on more restricted and concentrated objectives. The effects of this influence are several. First, structure in your life will change significantly, but not suddenly or without warning. The changes brought about during this time are inherent in what is being changed, if you look carefully. It is rather like an inevitable conclusion of a situation. During this period some things will come to an end or an old order of life will cease. On a metaphysical level, this influence means that factors are now being incorporated into the structure of your life that will later bring about evolution and growth. This process involves getting rid of old structures. What happens now will have great consequences in fourteen years. On a material level, this influence often causes financial problems or other kinds of shortages. Sometimes government or other officials will impose heavy burdens that greatly restrict your freedom of movement. It is also possible that some incident or accident may affect your health and thereby restrict your freedom of movement. All of these effects confine your energies so that later they can be focused upon matters that will require your full attention. If your energy is spread too thin, later crises will be much more difficult to bear. Then you will have to go through a most unpleasant house-cleaning of everything in your life that interferes with your natural pattern of evolution. As you are more and more restricted by circumstances and the need to use your resources conservatively, do not simply hold in your energies. Build new structures to correct the problems you face now, and concentrate all your energy on bringing about necessary evolution in your life.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Conjunction Pluto, ,
activity period from middle of October 2009 until 26 July 2010

A dominant personality
Valid during several weeks: This should be a time of great activity in your life, when you work very hard to further your own interests and assert yourself among others. You have the chance to show the world what you can do now. You come on to others with much more vigor than usual, and you are likely to make a great impression upon them at this time. During this time, your personality is much more dominant than usual, but you aren't interested in having great power over others, as long as they don't try to dominate you. You are perfectly happy as long as you are completely free to do whatever you want and to have your individuality acknowledged by others in whatever you do. Your physical energy level is quite high, and you should be able to do a lot of work.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Mars in the 1st House,  1,
activity period from middle of July 2010 until end of August 2010

kin 106: White Lunar World-Bridger
I Polarize in order to Equalize
Stabilizing Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of Endlessness
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.

The Queen of Wands, the 5 of cups reversed and the 7 of swords.

So may things swirling about today.  The Confinements aspect is on it's way out.  I have been making an effort to focus on being present with my girls as well as with that thing that makes me wanna play inside in hopes that these might be the factors that bring evolution and growth.  The Mars energy is also sort of fun, and something to look forward to.

And lastly the cards, the Queen of Wands aligns with the Mars energy precisely, while the 5 of cups acknowledged that the Saturn Pluto Conjunction is indeed ending, and then comes the 7 of swords.  What is he up to?  taking stuff and whatnot...


King of cups reversed, 6 of wands reversed and the 8 of wands.  My king of cups was promoted the other day and is being thwarted in his parade to the pub because of my evening jam activities.  I suppose he feels like those wands are all spearing towards him. 

kin 105: Red Magnetic Serpent
I Unify in order to Survive
Attracting Instinct
I seal the Store of Life Force
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled


The Magician reversed, the Queen of wands reversed and the 8 of cups, right side up today.  I wonder what I'm going to walk away from?  The magician and the Queen seem to be reversed in order to highlight the need for their particular attitudes?  Maybe?  Tonight I am off to play at Hackney's with the Outskirts, we will finally be back at full force in the rhythm section, which is exciting. 

kin 104: Yellow Cosmic Seed
I Endure in order to Target
Transcending Awareness
I seal the Input of Flowering
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I am guided by the power of Elegance


knight of pentacles reversed, ace of wands and the 3 of wands reversed.  I've been having a lot of fruitful jams of late, I feel like my base level of competence has risen a notch, and another few hundred brain cells have connected together in a new way.  It's true what they say, the more you play the better you get.  I dreamed last night that we had moved, and I had just figured out how to get the girls on the bus for school and then all of a sudden we had moved again and this is where I woke up and realized that I'm just a little stressed out about leading Ella's Daisy troop.  I need to get that paperwork done and stuff...

kin 103: Blue Crystal Night
I Dedicate in order to Dream
Universalizing Intuition
I seal the Input of Abundance
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Vision


8 of cups reversed, 5 of cups and 9 of wands.  These folks all look like they need a bit of cheering up.  It looks like there might have been a battle, which couldn't be escaped but resulted in some cups spilling as well as a knockered head.  I have been feeling some discomfort in my right hand, the first joint on my thumb and also the first 2 fingers, I am not sure if it comes from playing or knitting, though, or both.  Or I could just need to actually take that supplement that I have been talking about taking for how long now? 

kin 102: White Spectral Wind
I Dissolve in order to Communicate
Releasing Breath
I seal the Input of Spirit
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled


7 of pentacles, 3 of wands and 2 of wands reversed.

There are a couple of things swirling about my noggin this fine morning.  Yesterday we had another fantastic gig with the Outskirts, marred only in my mind by the usual baloney that accompanies any work with this group.  There is this one member who lacks interpersonal skills on a magnificent level.  I normally build a super bouncy bubble around myself in order to bounce her negativity and inappropriateness off of me, but I neglected to do this yesterday.  I was sitting and knitting before the show yesterday, absolutely minding my own business when she threw a hate grenade and it ended up getting all over me.  It was just prior to show time, I spent a good portion of the show reclaiming my mind from whence it had been scattered.  So Irritating!!  gah.

Then after the show when I went to find my people I was greeted by a drunken partner parent who proceeded to spew drunken stupids at me.  I asked him point blank if he wanted me to have a problem with how much he drinks?  He got to "no" fairly quickly but then kept trying to re-engage in the discussion even after I had reminded him of our rules about not attempting to discuss serious things while skunked.  I am awake and ready to have this conversation now but of course he is still sleeping.  I am curious if he will actually still have anything to say this morning.  Last evening there was a lot of mumbling about how he is "confused", the passive aggressive under the breath baiting that I ignored needs to be brought to light, so I am hopeful that he will do it because otherwise I will have to.

kin 101: Red Planetary Dragon
I Perfect in order to Nurture
Producing Being
I seal the Input of Birth
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Universal Water


kin 100: Yellow Solar Sun
I Pulse in order to Enlighten
Realizing Life
I seal the Matrix of Universal Fire
With the Solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Intelligence

2 of swords, death and the 8 of swords reversed.  Holy blindfolds batman!  Perhaps I really am going blind?  Hope not!  Boy, that would solve the having to read everything problem, though, wouldn't it?  Death is always a welcome card, here comes the big change!  It's like hanging over that first drop on the roller coaster, waiting for gravity and inertia to shove you over the edge.  You can see where you are headed and there is no turning back but you just have to wait for you back end to catch up.

kin 99: Blue Galactic Storm
I Harmonize in order to Catalyse
Modeling Energy
I seal the Matrix of Self-generation
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Abundance

7 of pentacles, the hanged man and the heirophant reversed.  These cards might be my favorite cards ever.  I can feel the shifting, we are taking things to the next gear.

kin 97: Red Rhythmic Earth
I Organize in order to Evolve
Balancing Synchronicity
I seal the Matrix of Navigation
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I am guided by my own power doubled


The Chariot, the 7 of wands and the 10 of pentacles.  I often view the chariot as motherhood these days, with the little twin lions out front being coaxed and prodded to make the correct turns, hopefully learning to pull the ship without any driving.  I remember watching my grandpa working his ponies, he loved them so much more than he ever loved real people, I think, the people all got smothered where as the ponies just went and had some grass with their too short tails and their too short manes.  Then comes the battle, there I am with my stick up, always ready to engage with the next stick that passes by.  And finally the wealth and splendor without the emotional connection.  Sitting outside the magnificent house and ignoring everyone except the dog.  That is certainly not my aspiration, although it has a familiar feeling as if this is indeed where I am headed, although I think only circumstantially.  This may be how I see it from the outside but it will still always be me in here.

kin 98: White Resonant Mirror
I Channel in order to Reflect
Inspiring Order
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness
With the Resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Heart


kin 96: Yellow Overtone Warrior
I Empower in order to Question
Commanding Fearlessness
I seal the Output of Intelligence
With the Overtone tone of Radiance
I am guided by the power of Flowering
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


Queen of wands reversed, ace of wands reversed and the 8 of wands.  Sometimes reversals feel like they are inspiring me to turn them right side up and sometimes they feel like I need to accept them being upside down for now.  It seems like my need to make things a certain way can be a cause for conflict.  Which, of course it can, duh.  But sometimes it's OK and other times it's time to compromise. 

P.S. it is fun to play for dancers.

kin 95: Blue Self-Existing Eagle
I Define in order to Create
Measuring Mind
I seal the Output of Vision
With the Self-Existing tone of Form
I am guided by the power of Magic
I am a polar kin    I convert the Blue galactic spectrum.


8 of swords, 6 of pentacles reversed and 6 of wands.  Pancakes!  I can't really think of much else at the moment.  Pancakes and that I am sad that the beach is closed for e.coli.  blech.  I was so looking forward to the beach adventure, but next week, perhaps.  I am very much looking forward to the Outskirts gig this afternoon at Cantigny, hopefully it will be fun adventuring with friends and flowers.

kin 94: White Electric Wizard
I Activate in order to Enchant
Bonding Receptivity
I seal the Output of Timelessness
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Endlessness


kin 93: Red Lunar Skywalker
I Polarize in order to Explore
Stabilizing Wakefullness
I seal the Output of Space
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of Life Force
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.


While shuffling today I was pondering the date, because it is birthday of someone who doesn't deserve to be remembered but here I am with this date stuck in my head.  Then I pulled the Queen of pentacles reversed, the Queen of wands reversed and the 4 of wands.  It is not like the cards to indulge me in my wishful thinking...  Needless to say of course things are the best the way the are and that is all that matters anyway.

Yesterday's Cosmic Monkey celebration was the start of a fun and hopefully enlightening tradition.  I had a Dr. Seuss experience of the first order.  After years of declaring and declaiming that I do not like mustard, ever, in any way shape or form, I got a Chicago dog yesterday (sans dog) and of course it was delicious.  Perfect in every way.  Divine.  Then there was ice cream.  And lots of Harry Potter, I am almost as sucked in as they are because in re-reading I am now catching on to the little clues that were laid so perfectly out for us to hop across.  I am risking having the material be slightly over their heads in order to circumvent them seeing the movies before they have had the chance to let their own brains make it up as we go.  The imagination games have started as well, can't wait to get them costumed!

kin 92: Yellow Magnetic Human
I Unify in order to Influence
Attracting Wisdom
I seal the Process of Free Will
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled


Hooray for Cosmic Monkey Day!  That's a red letter day around these parts.  King of pentacles reversed, 10 of cups reversed and the 4 of swords reversed.  Lots of reversals all the time right now, it does feel like it is time for examining things.  the 10 of cups goes along with the cosmic monkey day quite nicely, perhaps with proper attention paid we can get her turned the right way up.  The 4 of swords reminds me of my book where the poor mason had to bury his wife, and then there was the baby and what does one do with a motherless baby in the winter in the forest?  Leave it on the grave of course!  I was so worried about Martha in the early goings but now things are even more complicated for her. 

kin 91: Blue Cosmic Monkey
I Endure in order to Play
Transcending Illusion
I seal the Process of Magic
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I am guided by the power of Vision


The lovers reversed, the knight of pentacles reversed and the 3 of pentacles reversed.  The horoscope was all about getting out of the normal routine and feeling things for what they are.  That sounds interesting if a little uncomfortable.  Today is the other Gurley's birthday, he is catching up!  The jam last evening was pretty fab, I feel like I know most of those tunes pretty OK but I need to make a playlist and play along.  Also need to pull the cello out here more than once a week.  The Bootsy U is definitely worth the pennies perday but I sort of wish there weren't so many technical errors.  With 1000 registered users it would seem that many pennies were collected, so the shit should work! 

kin 90: White Crystal Dog
I Dedicate in order to Love
Universalizing Loyalty
I seal the Process of Heart
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Spirit


King of pentacles reversed, 8 of pentacles reversed and the 3 of cups reversed.  Woke up feeling like a million bucks this morning, it is a beautiful day.  Might have to hit the Museum of Science and Industry if these kiddos will wake up. 

kin 89: Red Spectral Moon
I Dissolve in order to Purify
Releasing Flow
I seal the Process of Universal Water
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled


kin 66: White Magnetic World-Bridger
I Unify in order to Equalize
Attracting Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

kin 76: Yellow Spectral Warrior
I Dissolve in order to Question
Releasing Fearlessness
I seal the Output of Intelligence
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled

kin 77: Red Crystal Earth
I Dedicate in order to Evolve
Universalizing Synchronicity
I seal the Matrix of Navigation
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Universal Water
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.

kin 78: White Cosmic Mirror
I Endure in order to Reflect
Transcending Order
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I am guided by the power of Spirit

kin 79: Blue Magnetic Storm
I Unify in order to Catalyse
Attracting Energy
I seal the Matrix of Self-generation
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

kin 81: Red Electric Dragon
I Activate in order to Nurture
Bonding Being
I seal the Input of Birth
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Life Force