
kin 88: Yellow Planetary Star
I Perfect in order to Beautify
Producing Art
I seal the Store of Elegance
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Intelligence
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.

10 of cups reversed, the chariot and the page of swords reversed.  I am currently feeling incredibly out of sorts, it started yesterday and is continuing into today, although it really feels like it has been building for some time.  Yesterday, when I noticed the drunkening about to begin I am proud of myself for saying something, that usually when it is cheap vodka and red juice that bad things happen later and lo and behold, my grandpa's wrought iron music stand was bumped HARD and gouged the shit outta my grandma's piano.  Of course, it is my fault for leaving the music stand, what, out?  it's a piece of furniture as far as I am concerned and it was set aside where it is always set aside.  If someone wasn't drunk as a fucking skunk and blathering about perhaps they would not have bumped the stand so hard as to send it bashing into the piano.  I did not have this conversation last evening while the drunkening was still in effect and I unfortunately did not feel up to it this morning because of the headache and now the drunkening has started again so I am SOL on this one I guess.  Although I am sure another learning moment is on it's way, hopefully I can ensnare it a little better this time.

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