
Valid during many months: During this time you may have fewer resources available for doing what you want, and you may have to focus the available resources on more restricted and concentrated objectives. The effects of this influence are several. First, structure in your life will change significantly, but not suddenly or without warning. The changes brought about during this time are inherent in what is being changed, if you look carefully. It is rather like an inevitable conclusion of a situation. During this period some things will come to an end or an old order of life will cease. On a metaphysical level, this influence means that factors are now being incorporated into the structure of your life that will later bring about evolution and growth. This process involves getting rid of old structures. What happens now will have great consequences in fourteen years. On a material level, this influence often causes financial problems or other kinds of shortages. Sometimes government or other officials will impose heavy burdens that greatly restrict your freedom of movement. It is also possible that some incident or accident may affect your health and thereby restrict your freedom of movement. All of these effects confine your energies so that later they can be focused upon matters that will require your full attention. If your energy is spread too thin, later crises will be much more difficult to bear. Then you will have to go through a most unpleasant house-cleaning of everything in your life that interferes with your natural pattern of evolution. As you are more and more restricted by circumstances and the need to use your resources conservatively, do not simply hold in your energies. Build new structures to correct the problems you face now, and concentrate all your energy on bringing about necessary evolution in your life.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Conjunction Pluto, ,
activity period from middle of October 2009 until 26 July 2010

A dominant personality
Valid during several weeks: This should be a time of great activity in your life, when you work very hard to further your own interests and assert yourself among others. You have the chance to show the world what you can do now. You come on to others with much more vigor than usual, and you are likely to make a great impression upon them at this time. During this time, your personality is much more dominant than usual, but you aren't interested in having great power over others, as long as they don't try to dominate you. You are perfectly happy as long as you are completely free to do whatever you want and to have your individuality acknowledged by others in whatever you do. Your physical energy level is quite high, and you should be able to do a lot of work.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Mars in the 1st House,  1,
activity period from middle of July 2010 until end of August 2010

kin 106: White Lunar World-Bridger
I Polarize in order to Equalize
Stabilizing Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of Endlessness
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.

The Queen of Wands, the 5 of cups reversed and the 7 of swords.

So may things swirling about today.  The Confinements aspect is on it's way out.  I have been making an effort to focus on being present with my girls as well as with that thing that makes me wanna play inside in hopes that these might be the factors that bring evolution and growth.  The Mars energy is also sort of fun, and something to look forward to.

And lastly the cards, the Queen of Wands aligns with the Mars energy precisely, while the 5 of cups acknowledged that the Saturn Pluto Conjunction is indeed ending, and then comes the 7 of swords.  What is he up to?  taking stuff and whatnot...

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