

more news...

the doc did indeed come back in to see Abbey. The culture came back and we are NOT dealing with a UTI. It is looking more and more like just regular old abdominal yuck that has just hit her very hard. She had the big sweat earlier and has been so much better since then. Also the fever is pretty much gone so her sense of humor is back. Also the cramping is still happening but seems to be passing more quickly. all in all things are looking up just a bit.

I think that we are just waiting for her to be able to eat and get off of the IV and we might get to go home.

More updates! This puzzle that is Abbey's abdomen seems to be a fun one for these docs. I got not one, not two, but three apologies from 2 different doctors about the lack of communication yesterday evening, which was so "normal" for a hospital that I sort of expected it, but I was assured today that they will all be around much more. Ok, that's nice.

Abbey's red blood count is low, so they want to rule out blood in the stool and we are still waiting for the urine culture to grow enough for the lab to rule the UTI in or out. If it's in we'll probably have an ultrasound on the kidneys to check them out. Poor Dabber has to have another blood draw and is currently sniffling about it. I'm glad she's not a cusser yet or she'd have let the guy have it.

All in all things seem better, but I want this infection out of her NOW.


Abbey is finally feeling better. Phew. Her temperature spiked last night but so far today it is as close to normal as I've felt since Wednesday. She's still pretty wrung out but she's actually coloring and talking and even smiling sometimes. We'll probably be here awhile yet, they want to give her another round of the antibiotic this afternoon.

I'm gonna go play with her.


I take back everything nice I said about McNeil, except for maybe how nice the nurse was, because as it turns out Abbey has a UTI from hell. They didn't catch it. If they had we could have started this process on Friday night instead of Sunday afternoon, almost 2 whole days of suffering for Dabber. F them.

Our course of action yesterday was to push the fluids, but we were warned that if she threw up that that could indicate a blockage and that we'd need to come back in promptly. Well, about 9:30 she threw up so we brought her into Loyola which has a ped ER rather than bring her back to crazy McNeil. It's like a hotel here almost, everyone is way more polite and professional, but it is entirely sucky to be here and dealing with this. We are still waiting for the head surgery guy to come and truly release her from the possibility of surgery. She finally got a chance to try and eat and so far it has all stayed down (cross your fingers).

I miss Ella. I'm going to go home with her tonight while John stays here in hell with Abbey. It's at least a kids sort of as nice as it can be kind of hell, but hell it is. There are some amazing splatters of god knows what on the carpet in the hallway. Oh yeah, and we're in the cubs room so I bought a white sox balloon to conteract the mojo and it worked!

I'm just relieved that the surgery option has dropped low low low and the surgeons aren't lurking around licking their chops anymore, that was disturbing. Although it was a surgeon who figured out the uti so good on em.

ok, over and out



So I have been fielding calls from doctors all morning. Abbey's ct scan set off alarms for several of the radiologists who looked at it today. Her elevated white count along with the swelling of lymph nodes and large intestine are symptoms of Mesenteric Adenitis. The lack of bm's (Thursday until Saturday morning) made them concerned that she had a blockage. Since there have been at least 2 liquid bm's today the blockage is less likely. So Abbey's ped is recommending that she ingest fluids today, clear liquids. I took that to mean the braty diet. So John says that he's going to the store for campbells chicen soup and 7 - up. And was snotty with me when I recommended something with a little less sodium and sugar, like, say, home made vegetable broth. Why on earth would my husband who is normally such a proponent of home made food turn to these horrid substitutes for food at the time when abbey is most in need of the right stuff? Oh yeah, he is still trying to act like all of this is still an invention of the hospital system's love of diagnosing people with stuff that costs money but my mama instinct is in high gear and he's being very threatening to me right now. As far as I'm concerned he can go get drunk at the golf course and stay there.

I told his mom on him.

fun times

So Abbey has been more sick than I can ever remember her being. So sick that I actually gave her fever reducer medicine yesterday. She felt better after taking the medicine but then would start to feel crappy again. John of course said that we should send her to school and went to his golf thing without a worry. I, against my better judgement, sent her to school only because it was only for an hour and she really wanted to go. After school she zonked out for awhile and then I had to take both girls to Mimi's so that I could go teach Zack.

I really didn't want to do this, Mimi works from home on Fridays and my gut was telling me to stay home. I felt like I needed to go teach Zack, though, because we need the money and I had fronted them about 60 bucks for music which I was expecting to be re-imbursed for yesterday. I also needed to stop by Abbey's dentist to pick up her school form because they would not fax it. So I went. Zack's folks forgot to pay me and the dentiset was closed.

I get home to Abbey finally and she's OK but pretty swifly deteriorates. All day she had been complaining about a sharper pain in her belly. The kicker for me was when she refused to walk to the potty and then started screaming from the pain. I checked the Dr. Sears site which lists these symptoms as the ones to check out. Abbey had all of them except that her pain was centered and not lower right.

  • Severe right lower abdominal pain
  • Constant pain – it usually doesn't come and go
  • Gradually increased pain – the pain will usually get worse and worse
  • Fever
  • Refusal to eat
  • Vomiting – this is sometimes present, but not always
  • Refusal to walk – a child with appendicitis will often lie down curled up in a fetal position

I called her doctor and she recommended that we head to the ER to rule out a bladder infection and appendicitis. Yay, a trip to the ER on Friday night. John is still not home so I go to my house and get supplies for Ella to sleep over at Mimi's and head out. Abbey won't walk so I have to carry her and she's heavy! So we get checked in and sit around for awhile before we ar called back for triage where the nurse is pretty harsh when I rate Abbey's pain at a 9 or 10 FOR HER. Since I know her pretty well and this really is the most pain that I've ever seen her in. But somehow my telling the nurse my opinion is not letting her do her job. Then we wait.

Then the debate starts. I'm not sure if I know of a better torture than sitting in the ER with a sick child and being a captive audience for this crap they're calling election coverage this year. I'm decided and I'm done. Anyway, I thought I'd try and call John and see what he was doing, Mimi had said that she had called while I was on my provision run. So I called and god damn it if he wasn't slurring. And answering the phone while driving drunk. Yay.

So back to the good ole ER, the admitting table called out a name, that sort of sounded like Abigail but really didn't because of how strong of an accent the woman used. She didn't use this accent while speaking directly to me, so I didn't catch it. It was only when they called the folks who had come in behind me that I put 2 and 2 together that Abigaeil was my Abbey. I'm still carrying Abbey at this point so I struggle over to her and ask if she had indeed called Abbey and of course she had but could I just wait a minute while she finished with these people? Sure! Let me just lean here on the wall a little. So finally after she finished with those folks she looks up and finally someone who works there (I've been there well over an hour at this point) asks me if I need a wheel chair. Yes thanks. So I fork over my 75 bucks and get Abbey settled into the wheel chair and we go over to wait by the fish. John finally shows up. reeking of booze. yay.

Finally they call us back, but again the thick accent of the people who work there made it hard for me to know what was going on. So we go back to the room, and wait, and the doctor comes in and checks her out. He pokes her belly and orders a cat scan to rule out the problem with the appendix and also wants her to pee in a cup. And of course get an IV. Our nurse, Casey, could be Matt G's long lost brother, he had the same way of speaking, it was eery. He also had the same birthday as Abbey and also had a son her age. He placed a hep lock which Abbey slept through. But she has to drink the nasty barium stuff so we spend the next hour force feeding her little sips of it. Meanwhile, John has decided to tell me that this is all wrong and that I've made the wrong choice to bring her to the ER. He doesn't tell the doctor this, in fact he didn't peep to the doctor, he just tells me like it's all my fault. Great. So of course it's miserable there we wait and wait, and then Abbey finally went for her scan. She fell asleep in the scanner, and then we wait and wait to hear that her appendix is fine but her large intestine is really swollen and is what is causing the pain. And her white blood cell count was worrisomely high. So finally after only 5 hours we're released and head home. She's still sleeping, is still fevered and we are not out of the woods. She has to stay hydrated and has to see her doctor on monday. What a nightmare. I can't say that I wouldn't bring her again if she was exhibiting those symptoms and I'm not sure what I was supposed to do.

I'm very relieved that Abbey doesn't need surgery. I'm beyond upset with John for being such an amazing jerk to me in that situation. There is one certainty, if I should ever need to do this again he is NOT the person I would call. I'm contemplating calling him out on his drunkenness in front of his parents today when we go get Ella. Must decide what the most appropriate way to handle this is because I don't think I can ignore it or forget it.

Ok, I'm off to check her.


Long night

Poor Dabber, she feels crummy. I only had to get up twice with her but once was at 5:30 so of course I'm still up. And bitchy so watch out. I'm annoyed with John, our little experiment got messed up because he didn't want to wake up early yesterday. He promised we'd get to it last night but we didn't. Maybe I'll go wake him up in a minute but I'm too cranky. So on Monday he went to play golf all afternoon and didn't get home until later than usual. Then the train fiasco kept him out until almost 9 or whatever. By the time he got home last night I was done, so I asked him to take Ella with him to the tire store but of course NOOOOOOO He can't take Ella to the tire store, what will he do with her there? Um. Bring some books? Stop for chicken nuggets and bring those? Talk to her? She's your fucking daughter, man, don't act like some sort of martyr because mama needs some time to herself, or rather herself and just one sick kid and not the entirely well and needing attention one. So pissed about this, because today he's going to play golf again and sticking me to either sit around at his parent's house until he gets there at whatever time after dinner and drinks and all that, or I could be the bad guy and make the kids come home after my lesson but then they don't get to hang out with Mimi. OH yeah, did I mention that instead of visiting my family on Monday he's playing golf?

Speaking of my family. If my mom tells me one more time that she thinks ella is somehow SLOW socially and that we should not start her in kindergarten until she is 6 I'm going to blow a gasket. I have no opinion about her decision to start me at 6, she's my mom and she made the best decision for me at that time and who am I to judge that? I don't remember having an opinion about it until I got to be an angsty teenager and had to wait an extra year to graduate and get the hell outta dodge. Current Kindergarten curruculum standards here in Illinois allow for a very wide range of skills to pass. Ella will be screened during this year at pre-school as well as next, as well as a pre-k screening to enroll. Just supposing that she is indeed not ready to go to kindergarten in 2 years then I might entertain the thought of waiting. But I'm not interested in discussing it now. And especially not in front of her!



Abbey is sick. She came out of school looking pale and clammy and said "My tummy is OFF". So I believed her. She's been lying on the new chair moaning in between naps. So needless to say we did not have Ashley over to play today. Her immune system thanks us. I'm sad, though, I was all geared up for it.

I hope she feels better soon, though.
I had a lot of stuff to write about today and now I can't remember any of it.

I hate when people snuff themselves with the train! It just sends ripples of suck through the whole system. Happens a lot too.

I'm quickly approaching the end of my autobiography, but I have a next book from the library that looks exciting.

My bruise itches like sin and it's DEEEEEEP tissue itch, terrible. I should go take my aspirin.

I zingered my left hammie area yesterday in uttanasa of all things, I think it has been aggravated by being the longer and looser side for so long and just got pulled to far. So anyway, I was lifting up out of uttanasa and I felt a stabbing shooter. Then it came back when I tried to get into trikonasana with lefty in front so I didn't do that again. Then it was sore all afternoon and evening but is not really so sore at all now. I was afeared I had really done something to it but now I do not think that I did woohoo.

I figured out what to do while Ashley's here, we're going to have music class. Pound some drums and stuff. Maybe blow bubbles.


Today is somebody's birthday

happy birthday Matt

I'm proud of myself, I called Ashley's mom and invited her over on Thursday after school. Now I need to get all brownie scouts and find something fun for us all to do. I also finally re-connected with Kristin from story time and met up with her crew at the park. Turns out one of them is my across the street neighbor and gave me some info about the previous owners of this house, nothing surprising or even that interesting, she had to come over and bust them for partying on the porch all the time. But she hasn't heard the bass blasting from us. YET. HA HA

So how does one get their mate to understand the importance of a bike helmet? I was worrying about it yesterday before I went to the park, then when I get there Kristin is all scarred up. Turns out she crashed during a race in July and was just cleared by her neurologist. so fucking scary.

I've learned to like fall better since living here in Illinois, and I think I especially like it right here in this foresty spot. We get the most amazing sounding bugs. Looking too but that's not as exciting for me.

My new favorite activity is being read to by Abbey. The Brookfield Library has a great collection of early readers from the 60's and beyond, such fabulous pictures and the stories are not watered down kid crap. The best part is that she remembers many of the hard words from the day before.


Happy Fall

Happy Day. So John made some super yummy minestrone porridge just like I like it the other day and I get to have it all week for lunch and I just did and it's SO good with just a few chips and a big ole glass of milk YUM. Happy belly. I was lying there in savasana and NOT thinking about what to have for lunch when I remembered it. Also had a fun brain game with my new words to TMWSIY. I'm almost done with my autobiography but I almost don't want to finish because then what will I read? Hopefully the new stuff gets here soon.

Glad my vacation is over but also glad I took it.

One good thing about the random weirdness that is facebook is that I came across that picture up there yesterday. He doesn't look happy but at least he's there.


Abbey got invited to her first kindergarten birthday party yesterday. The party was today, the birthday girl is Ashley. The best part was that she lives just down the block and across the street. Finally a friend for Abbey in the neighborhood!

So we walk over, there are 2 or 3 girls there already. Ashley's mom starts telling us what she's got planned for the party, this and that, and did I know about Ashley? That she has a brain tumor and is considered terminal?

um. No. Did not know that.



I knew she had hearing aids, didn't assume much from that.

OK, Abbey's first friend in the neighborhood is a child with terminal cancer. who will probably die while still a child.

Heavy, man.

So I came home and cried. And then when I went back to pick Abbey up I gave Ashley's mom my card, told her I'm home most of the time and if ever Ashley wants to come over and play or whatever to please call.

So Ashley's mom told me this story about another girl on the block whom I have not yet met, but who is not allowed to play with Ashley. The mom is bitter, crude, and abrasive, which I can handle, and how could she not be?

not really sure what to think yet, just wanted to get it down and start the process.



I have Zack's music! Finally! I always feel so bad to walk in there empty handed when he's expecting something. But then that turns around into me feeling mad at those folks for putting me in this position in the first place. I hate money. As it is it's been over a week since I shelled it out and I won't see it until next week at the earliest. So whatever.

We had Curriculum night at Abbey's school last night. I wish they got more PE and more music but that's why there are swimming lessons and ballet and piano lessons. and running around outside. I also hope that she doesn't get bored, I remember grade school being sooooo boring, but she's not me so perhaps I shouldn't worry about that.



Thwarted! By a small child with a bad dream who just had to come sleep in our bed at 3, and then was there at the usual time of just before 7. Kiboshed. Maybe later...

My forced exile is working, bringing my attention back to what's important. I'm going to finish the autobiography today or tomorrow and now there are more books coming.

I need to figure out what to eat and when a little better, it's all well and good to not eat meat, and to try to eat mostly veggies but I've fallen into the trap of only choosing carbs rather than spending the time to actually make something yummy.

have to go make the waffles


ha ha

Funny fella had to pick between sleeping in and getting a little.

I finally found my old headache drugs from back before I had Abbey and boy do they do the trick. woohoo

Dear Kitchen,

How am I supposed to make breakfast when you are out of eggs? And why weren't you out yesterday when I went to the store? I am glad to see you there, already on the grocery list, but that does not help with my current predicament.

the end

Abbey's teacher uses lots of semi-colons.

off to pour the cereal...



oh yeah?! How could I forget? So John and I have decided to try to do it every day, and so far so good. Let's see, I think we're on day 3 or 4 or so. The biggest difference I've noticed so far is that he's a lot less cranky in general, but also I think maybe I'm less cranky. If that's possible. Yesterday I found myself starting to get all pissed about something but it didn't stick.

Oh, and I decided to give this a go before I heard about this.



God didn't warn me in advance about this flood, I'm a little bent about it. I thought I was on the list.

When the shit hits the fan I fall down and hurt myself.

I've noticed a pattern, too. This last week of the season before the solstice? I'm a big lazy lump.


So at least we know that our basement is only breached after 2 days of more rain than anyone here can remember. I'm actually quite pleased. Also very happy that no kid stuff got ruined, thankfully it was rain water and not sewer water because that would have been a whole different story.

Hmm, I think that's all for today...



Why am I always up so early?

So I just answered an ad on Craig's list looking for a bassist. what will happen?

Was told by my husband yesterday that I did not in fact buy my bass with my retirement fund from TTX, but that he bought it. I do not remember this and I want to see the receipt. Was also told that I bought it while we lived in Roscoe Village, but I remember playing it in the 90's? Am I delusional?

Perhaps I was playing the fender in the 90's? When were the She shows? Didn't I play the Alembic on those? I remember using my grandma's money to pay for computer school and then using the retirement fundage to buy the bass...

Still waiting to get the electric upright funding secured. Was told that I can't have funding until I figure out which bass I want, but I need to have at least the promise of funding before I find the sitter and trek out for shopping, I mean, it's sort of a huge deal for me and is not something that I can just turn off and on.

I just wish that I had married someone who was gung ho ME. Isn't that supposed to be how it works?

Meanwhile my MIL has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, but was told by her doc that she shouldn't do yoga, but that she should stretch and strengthen. um. yeah.



too early!

I knew this would happen sooner or later, I got up nice and early to get the practicing done and out of the way but our floor is soooooo squeaky so I've gone and woken Abbey up. Oh well.

What's that sanskrit word for when you get a group of like mindeds together for a hangout?

So the new yoga journal came the other day. I usually make myself read them in order but for some reason I really wanted to read this one first, do I did, and they had an article on Kali. So I was thinking about her on my drive over to combo class and then I was thinking about Charlie my old collie dog and then I was thinking about how collie and Kali are pronounced the same. Weird.


Picture Day

for Abbey. Today we have that and then swimming lessons start and then Abbey has a piano lesson. I'm trying to not get ourselves so busy that we can't just go and do whatever it is. So far we only have stuff on wednesdays and thursdays. We go to my mom's on mondays. Every other week we have Daisy scouts on Tuesdays but that's in the evening.

OK, well, they're up and I've just had to separate them. Ugh. Off to make breakfast



So yesterday I went to pick Abbey up from school. I parked a block over and walked over with Ella so that I could wait, feeling nervous, hoping to do it right this time... Out they come so I walk over, there's the teacher, nice teacher, what's this? Smiling? What? So the nice teacher lady tells me that Abbey is reading very well and that once they get into reading groups she will be free to read ahead at her own level and we got a big thumbs up. I was almost giddy with the not being in trouble and just so stinkin' proud of my Dabbers.



woke up to my little friend this morning. Am going to cut the inversions this time to see if that's why my normally 3 day friend hung around for like 8 last month.

So I keep doing it wrong at Abbey's school. And her teacher has this way of looking at me that makes me feel very small. I hate that feeling, and I'm not exactly sure why it is that things are so confusing there for me. The first problem was that about 10 minutes prior to the open house Abbey decided that she had to go. It was just long enough to where I didn't think I'd make her try to hold it but where to go? The entrance we were waiting by was locked, the closest other entrance was under construction and had a parent standing there telling everyone not to go that way... So I asked her for directions to the closest bathroom, she takes us all in through the scaffolding and around the barricade to the kindergarten room where I get to barge in on Abbey's new teacher ahead of time. She's flustered and gives me what for for going around the barricade, I try to apologize but really I'm just a little pissed about the whole thing. It shouldn't be so hard to find a toilet at a school. So I think she picked up on my pissiness so she clams up and gives me that look that teacher's always have, that "I'm listening to you but I know I've got you in check-mate" look. So I stop trying to explain. Abbey does her business and we try to go, but then Ella decides that she likes the looks of that toilet and should probably try it out. Finally we escape and head out, but of course we're locked in because I didn't go around the barricade...

So yesterday I go to pick Abbey up. It's raining and Ella fell asleep in the car in the 5 minutes it takes to drive over so I choose to try the car pick up line. I had warned Abbey that I might and I was early so I got the 3rd spot in line and waited. Abbey's class gets to come out first so I can see her looking around for me. I wait for a little bit but then here's where I fuck it all up, I called over to her and she came running but there's a RULE about going between the cars, which of course there is and of course it's not safe for her to do it by herself but god dammit I'm her mama and If I'm standing right here then you teacher people can back the fuck off. You know, how about a map with an arrow on it? In the welcome pack? Here's how you pick the kid up, it wouldn't be hard. Perhaps that'll be my PTA job and I've just realized that PTA stands for Pain in THE ASS.


Getting ready for day 2

So for awhile now I've been waking up early and going to sleep early, like a couple of years. So lately, this past couple of weeks, I've been trying to get up and do yoga before the whole fam-damily is up. Sounds like a great plan in theory and is a great plan in practice except for now all of a sudden I remember what it's like to want to lie in bed and not get up and not have to do whatever it is, that thing that got shook out of me by having small babies... They are not small and now I've remembered how to sleep in. But that's OK, because it's still better to have to get up and do yoga than to have to get up and go work for the railroad.

got some fun stuff at the library, the new laurie berkner CD, which hopefully will include a tour. The BBC's Ballet Shoes, which I totally loved reading when I was a kid, although I should be reading the book but it's the BBC... And the Wizard of Oz which I've been trying to get for Abbey without actually buying it all summer but finally thought to check the damn library. And it's the 2 disc special edition woohoo.

Fun times in Media Land.

First Day of School

Happy first day of school for everybody! We were all quite nervous, including me. Ella went first, we found her cubby and she went right over to play with the dollhouse that she had been shoo-ed away from for all these years so we got away. Then we came home to hang out and wait for Abbey's turn where she decided that it was quite lonely here without Ella to play with. I think it might have been one of the first and only times that the three of us were here without Ella since we've had her, so that was a little kooky. Then it was Abbey's turn so I dropped her and John off and went to get Ella who had a fine time. And Cupcakes. Abbey was done an hour later and also had a fine time so woohoo. Abbey gets to go back today, Ella gets to go again tomorrow. I'm glad to be into the swing of things because now I can figure out what our routine will be.