
Getting ready for day 2

So for awhile now I've been waking up early and going to sleep early, like a couple of years. So lately, this past couple of weeks, I've been trying to get up and do yoga before the whole fam-damily is up. Sounds like a great plan in theory and is a great plan in practice except for now all of a sudden I remember what it's like to want to lie in bed and not get up and not have to do whatever it is, that thing that got shook out of me by having small babies... They are not small and now I've remembered how to sleep in. But that's OK, because it's still better to have to get up and do yoga than to have to get up and go work for the railroad.

got some fun stuff at the library, the new laurie berkner CD, which hopefully will include a tour. The BBC's Ballet Shoes, which I totally loved reading when I was a kid, although I should be reading the book but it's the BBC... And the Wizard of Oz which I've been trying to get for Abbey without actually buying it all summer but finally thought to check the damn library. And it's the 2 disc special edition woohoo.

Fun times in Media Land.

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