
I had a lot of stuff to write about today and now I can't remember any of it.

I hate when people snuff themselves with the train! It just sends ripples of suck through the whole system. Happens a lot too.

I'm quickly approaching the end of my autobiography, but I have a next book from the library that looks exciting.

My bruise itches like sin and it's DEEEEEEP tissue itch, terrible. I should go take my aspirin.

I zingered my left hammie area yesterday in uttanasa of all things, I think it has been aggravated by being the longer and looser side for so long and just got pulled to far. So anyway, I was lifting up out of uttanasa and I felt a stabbing shooter. Then it came back when I tried to get into trikonasana with lefty in front so I didn't do that again. Then it was sore all afternoon and evening but is not really so sore at all now. I was afeared I had really done something to it but now I do not think that I did woohoo.

I figured out what to do while Ashley's here, we're going to have music class. Pound some drums and stuff. Maybe blow bubbles.

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