
More updates! This puzzle that is Abbey's abdomen seems to be a fun one for these docs. I got not one, not two, but three apologies from 2 different doctors about the lack of communication yesterday evening, which was so "normal" for a hospital that I sort of expected it, but I was assured today that they will all be around much more. Ok, that's nice.

Abbey's red blood count is low, so they want to rule out blood in the stool and we are still waiting for the urine culture to grow enough for the lab to rule the UTI in or out. If it's in we'll probably have an ultrasound on the kidneys to check them out. Poor Dabber has to have another blood draw and is currently sniffling about it. I'm glad she's not a cusser yet or she'd have let the guy have it.

All in all things seem better, but I want this infection out of her NOW.

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