

So I have been fielding calls from doctors all morning. Abbey's ct scan set off alarms for several of the radiologists who looked at it today. Her elevated white count along with the swelling of lymph nodes and large intestine are symptoms of Mesenteric Adenitis. The lack of bm's (Thursday until Saturday morning) made them concerned that she had a blockage. Since there have been at least 2 liquid bm's today the blockage is less likely. So Abbey's ped is recommending that she ingest fluids today, clear liquids. I took that to mean the braty diet. So John says that he's going to the store for campbells chicen soup and 7 - up. And was snotty with me when I recommended something with a little less sodium and sugar, like, say, home made vegetable broth. Why on earth would my husband who is normally such a proponent of home made food turn to these horrid substitutes for food at the time when abbey is most in need of the right stuff? Oh yeah, he is still trying to act like all of this is still an invention of the hospital system's love of diagnosing people with stuff that costs money but my mama instinct is in high gear and he's being very threatening to me right now. As far as I'm concerned he can go get drunk at the golf course and stay there.

I told his mom on him.

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