
Knight of Wands reversed, 4 of Swords reversed, 5 of Swords

Anxiously awaiting the post with my yarn in it!  There are several package filled posts in my future but the yarn one is the one I'd really like to see today.

I had a very sad little monkey come home from the Kindergarten picnic yesterday.  My heart breaks for her, there was some sort of misunderstanding or miscalculation and she did not get to have her face painted.  It has been that sort of time for her, extreme disappointment is so heavy.  These things teach us compassion, though, and as such are so very important.

kin 153: Red Planetary Skywalker 
I Perfect in order to Explore 
Producing Wakefullness 
I seal the Output of Space 
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation 
I am guided by the power of Birth 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.

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