
Cue Lightbulb

I've always been a little confused about the nature of our soul, and the process of re-incarnation, and how does it work when the population of the world keeps getting bigger but we have only a certain number of souls so there must be a disparity there, right? Maybe? And then yesterday I was reading my Daniel Pinchbeck book and he was talking about how there are some who believe that we are born without a soul and must earn it. Which sort of makes sense to me, although I would like to know how re-incarnation works in that situation, but perhaps some are born ensouled while others are not just because there aren't enough to go around. So perhaps we each build our soul over our various lifetimes but there is always that first life where you come in empty... This is making even less sense now than before so I must go do more research.


mermaid queen said...

I asked Dharma this question and he said that there are many more souls in the universe than are here, because there are many more places to be incarnated than here. And there are souls who are not incarnated too, who are resting or who have reached their bliss and have chosen not to incarnate again... but instead to merge with all that is. And there are new souls, too, born as others reach their enlightenment. Souls incarnate in all creatures, animals, insects, people. He said right now is a very impotrant time to be here, a time of great karmic evolution, so many more souls are incarnating here now and that is why the human population is growing.

so sayeth the dharma! hope this helps :) miss you...

Unknown said...

So... interesting. It was Gurdjieff via Pinchbeck that got me headed that way in the first place. it smelled like spring for the first time yesterday and the was a wee twitter of birdies.

phish is playing next week.

john's re-org went his way and he got a raise and bonus this year which we weren't really sure about.

phish is playing next week

how are you? I sent you something by UPS yesterday.