

is so good but it sure does mess up my sleeping if I have too much. So I was making these cabled gloves and they were rocking right along until last evening when I tried to knit while perturbed and I completely messed it all up and had to frog it. Then I took a closer look at the king charles brocade socks and they just weren't right either so I frogged them too. So now the knitting frenzy of the past few days is rolled back into nice little balls. It wasn't right...

today is our last day of vacation. In the future I need to be more conscious of getting OUT while the kids are out of school, I was feeling like heading to Lawrence and I just should have.

I really love my new music player and the whole concept of podcast radio instead of commercial radio. After I get my new bass and then I get my appley computer of whatever sort I'm definitely getting the bestest ipod that there is. no more cd's for me. except of course for my phish library which I am absolutely not converting ever again. woohoo

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