
So we're home again. Abbey stuck a small plastic doll shoe up her nose. After everything she's been through this week, we finally get home and get to the important job of relaxing and feeling better and she sticks the shoe up her nose. So I call her ped who of course says bring her on in. So I do. My mom pulled up with Ella just as we were packing up to go so they came with us. Mostly for me, I'm a wreck I knew that digging in Abbey's nasal cavity for a tiny plastic shoe was going to be harder for me than anyone. so the doc over there couldn't get it and was in the process of referring us to the appropriate specialist when Abbey sneezed and OUT POPPED THE SHOE!! Woo hoo.

So we're home AGAIN and trying to relax AGAIN.

Please please please no more troubles for Abbey today or tomorrow or this week or really for a very long time. Mama needs to stop worrying about stuff.

How many times and in how many ways can I hate on this processed made in china plastic crap?

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