
Ace of Cups reversed, 10 of Swords reversed, 6 of Cups reversed

This 6 of Cups reversal is on day 3 of it's repeat cycle so I am obviously not getting it yet.  Am I just supposed to be remembering that these years are the ones that will be looked back on either fondly or in a need for therapeutic reform?  Or maybe I need to worry less about the past and the future and just be here now?  But isn't that, hasn't that been the whole point all along?  I mean, I think I get that, and I don't think I am getting this card so it must be something else than that.  Meanwhile it is the solstice, finally.  Time to tip the wheel over the top and head back up the other side.  The Daisy's are heading to the British Home for caroling and crafting and snacking, meanwhile Abbey's Brownies are having their holiday celebration at school, meanwhile I am hoping that the hordes descend on my abode for jams and pizza, or is it pizza and jams?

kin 257: Red Planetary Earth 
I Perfect in order to Evolve 
Producing Synchronicity 
I seal the Matrix of Navigation 
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation 
I am guided by the power of Life Force

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