
7 of Cups reversed, Ace of Wands reversed, 2 of Wands

Time to exit dream land and get back to work.  There is always progress to be made if one can figure out what to work on next.

My sourdough is in a sad shape!  I had left it to stew in it's little crock in the fridge but today when I pulled it out to play with it it looks funny!  And not in a good way.  It smells fine, and by fine I mean super nasty in the sourdough sort of way, but it doesn't resemble any sort of sourdough I have ever seen before.  I'm glad I didn't toss my sweetened sourdough...

So what is it that I want to do?  I'd really like to master the fingerboard, once and for all and just be done with that.


kin 17: Red Self-Existing Earth 
I Define in order to Evolve 
Measuring Synchronicity 
I seal the Matrix of Navigation 
With the Self-Existing tone of Form 
I am guided by the power of Space

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