
Page of Cups reversed, 3 of Cups, Queen of Wands reversed

Educating the masses to understand the metaphysics of the universe and how it applies to everyone sounds like a life mission I could get behind.  I don't think that there is any doubt that my little string class needs to happen.

Beyond personal glory***
Valid during many months: This influence can denote that you will achieve great success in almost any endeavor, or it can mean that people in power will strongly oppose your efforts. It largely depends on what you are trying to accomplish and how.
Under this influence you will experience a rebirth of optimism and hope, which will put you in the proper frame of mind to succeed. Because you expect to succeed, you are likely to. This can apply to any aspect of your life, but it is most likely to be effective if you wish to succeed at something beyond personal glory. You may get your share of glory, but that should not be your primary motive. You should be working to achieve something that will benefit society at large through business, social work or some other means. This influence designates massive social regeneration and rebirth and aids most those persons and factors in society that work toward that end.
This influence can signify a rebirth of faith and spirit in your life, a new concern with how you fit into the universe as a whole. You may experience a rebirth of religious concern and a desire to lead others into the knowledge you have gained. Educating the masses to understand the metaphysics of the universe and how it applies to everyone would be one of the highest uses of this influence.
On the other hand, striving in a petty way to succeed at someone else's expense or without recognizing the larger needs of society may lead to trouble. This transit can lead to difficulties with the authorities who are appointed to look after society's needs, if they come to regard you as a threat. It is quite possible that even if you are working for a very noble cause, you may arouse opposition from the authorities. However it is likely that you will ultimately win out, if you are really working for a good cause. But if your point of view is limited to yourself, you will have trouble and failure.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto Conjunction Jupiter, 
activity period from 19 January 2011 until end of November 2012

kin 26: White Cosmic World-Bridger 
I Endure in order to Equalize 
Transcending Opportunity 
I seal the Store of Death 
With the Cosmic tone of Presence 

I am guided by the power of Heart 

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