

Well, Ella is officially 3. I think she had a nice day, I didn't get the best pics but hopefully someone did. And the best part? I'm officially sane again! 3 years post partum makes such a difference.

Things I'm annoyed by: Why does the yoga studio I used to take classes at make me feel like they don't like me or something? They offered 2 sessions of a kids yoga camp, this week and next. This week we already have a thing, next week we don't so I signed the girls up for the second session. Only to receive a note almost instantly requesting that I come to the first session instead because no one had yet signed up for the second. Um. Ok. Then why is it offered? And I'm sorry but given my history with the place why not ask the 1 other first session person if they could just switch to the second and AGAIN why offer 2 sessions if your only really offering 1? So confused... And where's the 2 kid discount too, now that I'm worked up about it? Music class gives a 2 kid discount mutter mutter

Yet so excited for both girls to get to go to yoga, I got them mats and everything.

Um, yeah, more later

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