

so, who knew the cheapo wine was poison? Ugh, I only had 2 glasses I think? Maybe a tad more? Certainly not enough to still be feeling this out of sorts almost 24 hours later.

Still, I'd like to thank the academy, and also my children for sitting so quietly and watching 2 whole shows while I snoozed on the couch. Because then I was able to get up and do a bit of practicing.

The coolest thing to happen to me today, though, was that I was somehow inclined to try Urdhva Dhanurasana out of the blue, why? I don't know. Anyway, I didn't fight it and up I floated! It was so easy that I freaked out and came down and then I was scared to go back up. But very cool none the less. I used to do lots of backbends as a kid but this is the first time in a long time that I feel like I could do one every day again.

the blanket is coming along, I don't think I'm going to try stripes, this time. I'll save that for the next one... (wink wink nudge nudge)

Oh, and in the better left unsaid category, a big old fuck you to my husband and his people for always offering to babysit during nap time. This is not when I need a sitter. For the past 5 years I have been frustrated almost weekly by this phenomenon and today is no different.

1 comment:

mermaid queen said...

classic. always helpful as usual. punks.

go you with the Urdhva! Woot!.
