

Even though Ella's birthday was the 13th, I always feel like it's not her birthday until Tuesday. I don't think she could have been born on any other day. Yes I know it was technically wednesday... Remember? Walking around and around and around while the all-star game was going on. So today is the day I'm going to remember, and I was blessed this morning with another reminder, of the more cramping variety. Ugh. and Ouch.

This is the first month in a long time that I've had this sort of cramping, though, the past few cycles have been really light and not hurty.

Back to the leafy greens, that's what's been missing.

I'm so glad the road workers are so punctual to start right away at 7. Even though we go weeks without seeing them at all.

Today I must read all of the new books and go to the library in addition to theater camp and ballet. I don't like being this busy

So yoga camp was only OK. Because of our busy-ness there was no time for a nap between theater class and yoga. Abbey of course was fine because she's done it all before, but little Ella was so nervous that she just didn't have a good time. Plus most of the kids are quite a bit bigger, she just barely made the age cut-off. I hope this isn't one of those things that she remembers forever, the whole way home it was "I don't like yoga! I don't want to go to yoga! I like to stay with you!"

But Ella, if you stay with me, there will be yoga...

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