
4 of pentacles and 8 of cups both reversed.  Wow, it's a heavy day in the gurley land!  Fortunately it is not, like, unbearable or anything.  Just a lil' heavy.  It seems like a good day to go with the flow and release any sort of need or expectation for things to be any certain way.  I shall just try to stay present in each moment in order to observe.  Just might learn something. 

Ella is graduating from preschool!  I am graduating from parenting a pre-schooler!  I was thinking the other day how perfectly spaced my two are for my own personal parenting success.  I think that having the two of them so closely together has been clue #712 that I am a lucky son of a gun.  I love finding these little gems of generosity. 

The horoscope today warns of sensitivities but also alludes to smooth sailing if I can keep the rudder aligned and whatnot.  WTF with the sailing thing?  Possessed by demons I am sure.

kin 43: Blue Self-Existing Night
I Define in order to Dream
Measuring Intuition
I seal the Input of Abundance
With the Self-Existing tone of Form
I am guided by the power of Self-generation
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.

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