
9 of pentacles reversed and the page of pentacles reversed.  The moon is transitioning to the 4th quarter through Aquarius, my mama sign, I wonder if the Aquarius moon makes me want help with things?  Because I don't usually ask for help from the cards but today I did, and I got it.  The 9 of pentacles reversed is how I feel about having to stop teaching a certain student, but that student is the page of pentacles reversed and is not interested in learning.  So it is not about me and I need to do the favor of severing the tie. 

I have been interested in how the galactic tones affect the soup of my day, so I am trying to pay attention to that.  Any help from the universe would be appreciated.

Today would have been the 103rd birthday of my grandpa, JC Witter.  He was a stern patriarch who was turned upside down by senility.  I am having a hard time finding fondness for him, I am not sure who he was really.  I remember that he was always excited about his birthday because the numbers ascended 5-6-7, he thought that was auspicious.  He and I share a fish gill type of hole thingy on our ear.  Neither of my kids have it but it seems to skip a generation.

kin 28: Yellow Lunar Star
I Polarize in order to Beautify
Stabilizing Art
I seal the Store of Elegance
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of Universal Fire

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