
7 of swords and the world reversed.  Weird day so far, everybody got up really early and now Ella is having a nap and it's only 10.  I went to my jam last evening and my cello felt like an old friend again, it is interesting to me how sometimes it's like I've been playing every day for 30 years and other times it's like i only ever played 30 years ago.  I am excited to begin having a daily practice on cello and bass and yoga.  I wonder what that will be like?   I hesitate to get too excited but I really am excited.  I feel like all of my moments of utter and sheer terror have to do with realizing just how much time in my life I have wasted in not doing.  It's like stealing time from myself.

kin 50: White Spectral Dog
I Dissolve in order to Love
Releasing Loyalty
I seal the Process of Heart
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.
I am a polar kin    I transport the White galactic spectrum.

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