
King of Wands reversed, Page of Swords reversed and the 4 of Pentacles.  Lookie, another King.  What an adventure these past few days have been.  Sunday we went over to Blues fest and met up with the cousin side.  everything was moving along fairly smoothly until I realized that there was a drunkening going on.  I don't know why I am always surprised about this, I suppose it should just be expected.  It makes me tense to realize that I am the only sober adult in the group.  I didn't think it was a good idea for the baby and the 3 little girls to go out adventuring with the drunk guy but I hesitated on making my opinion known because I am sensitive to always being perceived as critical.  So when Ella came back all smashed up and tramautized I can't say that I was surprised.  I thought once we made it safely back to the car that our adventure would be over.  When I ride shotgun I have this tendency to help out the driver.  I try and be another set of eyes on the road in order to keep accidents from happening.  This makes John really angry, which baffles me to no end.  Why would you want to have an accident if your seat mate had seen it coming?  Anyway, he was way to drunk to drive so I had to, although I was very tired and really stressed out from dealing with the smashed up Ella.  It was raining and I wasn't sure what the best way for us to go would be, so before we pulled out I asked for some help in getting home, with directions and stuff.  Drunko was in a mood, there was a bit of belligerence and then?  smash.  I rear ended a truck that had started turning but stopped to avoid hitting a bike that was coming from the wrong way, in the dark and rain.  Fortunately there were no injuries, unfortunately the truck's bumper hit our little car above the bumper so it was all smashed up and not drivable.  Amazingly, John had seen the bike coming but since he hates when I help him drive he had neglected to mention it.  He made a point of mentioning it right after, though, so that was super helpful.  Fortunately the other driver's car wasn't even damaged at all, so he wasn't really very put out or cranky and actually ended up giving me a ride home.  The cop was also incredibly nice, and shared with me that he had been in an identical smash up just the other day.  It really is better to smash the cars than to smash the people.  I am only slightly conflicted about it all, I really wish he had called out that there was a bike crossing the road, that would have been some useful information.  There is also the sensitive matter of these little jokes that have started to be inserted into conversation about how "I" wrecked the car.  If I thought these jokes were coming from a place of love it would be one thing but they are coming from a place of guilt and blame and there is just plenty of that to go around for sharing. 

kin 68: Yellow Electric Star
I Activate in order to Beautify
Bonding Art
I seal the Store of Elegance
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Free Will

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