
Ace of cups and strength reversed.  The moon is in gemini and my little talker in my head is very chatty.  So many things to think about, I keep tripping over the last thought to get to the next one.  During my yoga practice this morning I had this moment, where I was in triangle pose and as I looked up towards my thumb I was struck by how much it looked like a smiley happy friend, peering down at me from up there.  Then I remembered how I used to play with my thumbs like they were little characters having adventures, which led to how important thumbs are to my and our human existence, without thumbs it would be hard to do pretty much everything that I love to do, so then it became gratitude for thumbs!  and then I realized that I was supposed to be breathing in triangle pose... 

And it is Blue Monkey day at that, I am certainly overflowing my cups of love for my little monkeys, that is certain. 

kin 11: Blue Spectral Monkey
I Dissolve in order to Play
Releasing Illusion
I seal the Process of Magic
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled

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