
Ace of Swords reversed and the World.  The full moon yesterday was in scorpio and we're headed into sag later tonight.  I wonder if my food poisoning incident was rather a scorpio moon poisoning incident?  Hard to say...  I think and I hope that we have made it through this week with all of our commitments attended to.  My commitments have taken a back seat, which always makes me feel out of sorts.  I hate not being able to just commit to gigs, it makes it hard on me and it makes it hard on the gig booker.  I am also not interested in missing any of my currently scheduled lessons or jams, I am torn between feeling like I should just take any gig that comes my way and really wanting to give my current projects my best effort, which means not getting too busy.  Balance is a good thing, and means more than just not falling over.

kin 21: Red Galactic Dragon
I Harmonize in order to Nurture
Modeling Being
I seal the Input of Birth
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Life Force

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