
8 of Swords reversed, Queen of Wands, 5 of Swords reversed

Alien abduction story:  It wasn't an abduction, more of a home visit.  I couldn't have been more than 4 or 5, although I think it was just after the train wreck, could have been before, the ole noggin is rather hazy on the specific details.  What I do remember is that mom and dad were fighting and Markie and I had to be sent off somewhere over night for them to work their deal out.  I remember many phone calls being made, I remember being sent to Betty's which was odd because we only ever went there during the day.  I had heard of some kids sleeping over before, though, it's just that we hadn't ever.  I remember being put to bed in the nap room and then being woken up and brought up into the attic to meet the beings.  They filled your heart and soul with love to be around them.  They tested me in some way but I knew that they loved me.  They did not touch me.  Then it was over and I think I failed but that is all that I remember.  It doesn't seem like much to write out but that feeling of pure love is what sticks with me to this day.  That and that I promised myself not to forget, I knew that people would not believe me, I don't even tell very many people about it.

Electric Moon day 19
Year of the Red Overtone Moon 

kin 183: Blue Magnetic Night 
I Unify in order to Dream 
Attracting Intuition 
I seal the Input of Abundance 
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose 
I am guided by my own power doubled 

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