
2 of wands reversed (The unforeseen, surprise, astonishment.  Rapture.  Wonder, awe.  Miracle. Enchantment.  Unhoped for joy.  A return journey.  Fear, terror.  Trouble.  Domination.  New possibilities.  Unexpected loss and sorrow.  Anxiety.) and 5 of pentacles reversed (Misconduct.  Disorder, confusion, chaos, havoc, ruin.  Consumption, decline.  Dissipation.  Disgraceful love.  Imprudence, license, profligacy.  Disharmony, disaster.  Troubles in love.  Reversal of a bad trend.).  Finally a familiar card, the 5 comes up often in my world, both right side up and reversed.  Although it is one that I don't really have a handle on, it is at least familiar.  I am currently fighting some sort of disease, I woke up at 5 am with the sweats and the belly ache and then the headache set in, not sure if that is part of it.

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