
Death reversed (Death or accident narrowly escaped, Inertia, sleep, lethargy.  Stagnation.  Ruin.  Immobility.  Sleepwalking.  Slow or partial change.  Alteration for the better.  Discouragement, pessimism, depression.  Destruction of hope and plans.)  Knight of Wands (Departure, flight, removal, separation, distance.  Trip, journey, change of address.  Abandonment, desertion, emigration. Remote, absent, foreign.  Moving into the unknown.  Transpose, translate, transplant.  Alteration.  Evasion.  Change of position.)

Well, it would seem that these cards are oppositely oriented.  But it would seem that change is going to come and fighting or dreading it is not the best way to deal.  Change is uncomfortable and scary, though, and taxing.

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