
The Wheel (Fortune, destiny, fate.  Unexpected success, luck, felicity.  Inevitability.  Providence.  Prosperity, improvement, advancement.  Ascent, elevation, progress, movement.  Change, fluidity.  Culmination.  Fruitful initiative.  Winnings.  Good health.) and the Hierophant reversed (Society, institution.  Overkindness, foolish generosity, weakness.  Inappropriate intimacy, familiarity.  Susceptibility.  Impure mixture, combination, blending.  Unorthodoxy.  Sententiousness, rigid morality, inflexibility.  Renunciation.)  Those key words are not my favorites either, I prefer to think of this reversal as the prankster.  The king of the fart joke.  Puck.  The wheel is a very welcome card, I didn't realize quite how much I have been waiting to see something like it come up.  Some sort of change in this stagnant pool I've been floundering about in.  This morning the sun was back, peeking over the house by the bus stop, I had guessed that it would be sometime around Mumsie's birthday but having it be right on it seems extra special.  And now this wheel is just some more confirmation that things are getting ready to launch again.  Wonder where we'll land this time?

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