
Imaginal World

4 of swords, king of swords and the 7 of cups reversed.  I need to pull myself from the imaginal world and get my nose back to the grindstone.  Of course I am laughing at the absurdity of the statement but it's just an attitude, right?

Ella is having a bit of a struggle with herself about whether or not she can choose to apply her mind to her will, or whether she will allow it to apply it's tendencies and habits of fear to control her.  She is also learning the power of full refusal.  My goal is to try and stay present with her and hopefully help her to see the connection.

Abbey gets to learn what standardized testing really means this year, she came home with a weekly test, which is of course how they do it now, they practice it every week until they are little test taking machines.  My little goal with her is to encourage her to look at all facets of her work and try to make them all the highest quality.  This isn't stuff that they can measure on that test...

kin 153: Red Planetary Skywalker 
I Perfect in order to Explore 
Producing Wakefullness 
I seal the Output of Space 
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation 
I am guided by the power of Birth 
I am a galactic activation portal    enter me.

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