
Abbey got invited to her first kindergarten birthday party yesterday. The party was today, the birthday girl is Ashley. The best part was that she lives just down the block and across the street. Finally a friend for Abbey in the neighborhood!

So we walk over, there are 2 or 3 girls there already. Ashley's mom starts telling us what she's got planned for the party, this and that, and did I know about Ashley? That she has a brain tumor and is considered terminal?

um. No. Did not know that.



I knew she had hearing aids, didn't assume much from that.

OK, Abbey's first friend in the neighborhood is a child with terminal cancer. who will probably die while still a child.

Heavy, man.

So I came home and cried. And then when I went back to pick Abbey up I gave Ashley's mom my card, told her I'm home most of the time and if ever Ashley wants to come over and play or whatever to please call.

So Ashley's mom told me this story about another girl on the block whom I have not yet met, but who is not allowed to play with Ashley. The mom is bitter, crude, and abrasive, which I can handle, and how could she not be?

not really sure what to think yet, just wanted to get it down and start the process.

1 comment:

mermaid queen said...

oh my goodness. how sad. how unexpected. you are handling it really well. go you :)