
chaos, disorder, delusion and confusion

Queen of Cups reversed and 5 of Pentacles reversed. Sometimes it's not really that fun to play with these things. Dishonorable and depraved with creative forces lurching out of control, along with chaos, disorder, delusion and confusion. woohoo. I get that 5 of pents a lot, right side up and upside down.

Abbey was up and at em early this morning to go to running club. There was a Daisy meeting last evening. I'm glad that Abbey likes to go but it is a group that I am having a hard time finding a fit with. It just seems like a lot of stuff is falling through the cracks. I suppose I should just offer to help more, but I find myself fairly highly irritated by these folks and am concerned that I might let some of that out of the cage if I spend too much time with them.

chaos, disorder, delusion and confusion

Now playing: Wilco - Heavy Metal Drummer
via FoxyTunes

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