
How things are

3 of wands and 3 of pentacles reversed. Lots of 3's. I had a dream last night that John and I were in a riverside bunker with some unknown people while the kids played outside. Next thing I knew the river was raging more than any river I have ever seen, it had covered our bunker and was crashing and bashing like the wave exhibit at the zoo and I knew that there was no way that anyone outside could still be there. Then I woke up. So, what is this water and why is it sweeping away my family?

I have been going through our stacks of CD's that do not have cases and are living in spindles, discs that have no artist information and maybe a title but definitely no track listing. If they look interesting I have been loading them onto our new storage device which holds a terrabyte of information. I have found a lot of great music that I have not heard very much if at all and made it accessible with all of the pertinent info at my fingertips since it is all on the computer. I am not intending to put my whole music collection on this thing, a terrabyte is not nearly enough space to attempt a project like that plus stuff that is filed or has a case and can be filed in the shelf should be. I just want to be able to find and listen to anything in particular as well as hit the shuffle button and learn new things. Then yesterday I was informed that I am stupid for doing this because now that data is duplicated?! First of all, I am not stupid. Secondly, this music is now being listened to whereas before it was sitting in a spindle collecting dust up on top of a shelf where I had to get a steppy stool to get at it. If having duplicate data is such a problem than just pitch the spindle, otherwise it can live up on it's shelf forever for all I care.

Yeah. It's working for me.

Now playing: Art Blakey - Abdallah's Delight
via FoxyTunes

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