
Today's cards: 10 of Pentacles and Ace of Cups. The 10 of pentacles is a lot like our little house here. There is magic oozing from every crevice but it isn't always perceived. The ace of cups came after I pulled death while looking at Ella. I had to put that one back and try again so the cups with their accepting everything message was appropriate I suppose.

I had a fun time with my parents and at the concert last night. I didn't realize how nervous I was that they would be bored with the stuff that wasn't my part but it turned out to be the percussion ensemble which is quite good and always interesting and then 2 choirs that Abbey liked. And even my part was judged not toooooo boring. We got to come up on the riser and I had to quick plug the amps in and then play which was a little tricky. I was glad there were no horrendous injuries, stages are fucking dangerous if you ask me.

Off to take little Ella to school, she is snuffly but she wants to go.

Now playing: Phish - Guantanamo Strut
via FoxyTunes

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