
Recognition of Ignorance

8 of Swords and Knight of Pentacles. The 8 of swords is the gate for social awareness. The knight of Pentacles overlooks his magical gifts in favor of hard work and service. This reminds me, the book I am reading is some sort of synchronicity magnet. Whatever I am reading about in there somehow plays itself out into happening somewhere else, sort of a lot. So these cards are apt for the part I was reading yesterday.

Ella just called me into the shower to show me the drum that she made out of a plastic cup and a washcloth.

I am awaiting the piano tuner, at which time Ella and I must vacate to somewhere. The library here does not open until late. Maybe we'll go to Target.

I need to start feeling stress for my Idiom project so that I will do it, it has been in the backseat for far too long for as interesting as it promises to be.

Now playing: King Crimson - Larks Tongues In Aspic, Part One
via FoxyTunes

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