
Today's cards - 3 of Swords and the Empress. I can already relate them both to this morning and last evening. The 3 of Swords is a familiar sorrow, that I am learning to accept and integrate in order to move past. This particular manifestation had to do with being screamed at like I was a child in front of my children by my partner who is supposed to be rather more partnery than that if you ask me. I am actively working to address this issue, though, by trying to only respond calmly to the screaming, although that can be tough sometimes. The Empress is also a common emotion in this part of my life where I have small people around all the time who could be considered subjects I suppose. I do not really like to think of them like that, but they do need guidance and lots of help with stuff so in that way it is apt.

I'm having so much fun playing with the new computer I have been neglecting my other projects but having a little break from them feels OK too.

I am patiently waiting for my DVD of Genitalio, and I have 2 transcriptions to work out but still 2 weeks before they are needed. There is a big band gig and cd recording upcoming as well as a small band gig which earns scratch. There is the Matt and Dirk at Matt's Church thing, possibly Fodfest with Anne and some appearances at Border's mixed in. Idiom is still on track to open for Macabre on Dec. 26. Brutal.

Now playing: Miles Davis - He Loved Him Madly
via FoxyTunes

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