
Today we have, again, the ace of wands, but this time coupled with the 7 of wands reversed. I shuffle each deck 3 times before I pull a card, so to pull these same cards all the time is significant. The ace of wands is the fullest expression of the basic element of fire. I have been having a sort of recurring thought, that the imbalance in my hips could be causing some of the root chakra blocking that I have been wondering about. So I decided a few days ago, the day before I started drawing this ace, to try and draw the energy that I always feel spewing out of the top of my head down into my root, really to draw everything down and integrate it all before rejecting anything. It would seem that I have been keeping everything up top. The 7 reversed is about being nervous, which I am. I am practicing today with the group for fodfest and I am nervous about that. I do not feel like I am inordinately nervous or anything, but it is the prevailing emotion.

Oh, and the music librarian project is finally done, all widows and orphans are loaded. We had about 80 gig of music floating around without a home and now it is all filed. I still have several large stacks of live shows, but they will be filed in books which I have to buy one at a time over a larger period of time so that project is not keeping me from my life. This other one was starting to so I am glad it is done.


mermaid queen said...

nadi shodana pranayama: alternate nostril breathing

try this


Unknown said...

doh! yes'm.