
ha ha ha ha

Much better today, Queen of Pentacles and 7 of Pentacles. So many pentacles this week. It's funny, pulling scary tarot cards makes me do yoga pronto and it always seems to fix the problem. For all of the scary cards, though, yesterday was an easy day. No screaming or crying until right there at the end.

Abbey and Ella have this imaginary game that they play call "Danielle and Shoatza" where Abbey is Danielle and Ella is Shoatza and they have adventures. It is funny.

Oh yeah, that reminds me of my awesome book that I was reading but now have finished. It would seem that the point and purpose of this life is to make beautiful experiences and laugh a lot. All of the other stuff that seems so necessary just isn't. We are blessed to be in 3-d because this is the only dimension where there is actual physical experience. Even though it sort of hurts sometimes, and sometimes a lot, that's the trade off.

Now playing: Beastie Boys - Body Movin'
via FoxyTunes

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